Advice For Moving TanK. . . .

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
Pullman, Olympia
Its time to move the tank home for summer.

Here is what I got. .

72 gallon with hang on refugium with cheato
100 lb live rock
80 lbs sand
Misc. LPS coral and mushrooms

The drive is 6 hours. . . so I believe the tank will be down for 10+ hours.

I am thinking all fish in cooler (making periodic breaks to oxygenate the water), I have about 10 -5 gallon buckets with lids. All the live rock filled to top with water in buckets (to reduce die off). 1 5 gallon bucket of sand and the rest stays in the bottom of the tank

Any other helpful advice out there from people who have done this before. Whats the best way to do the coral?
buy a power inverter that way you can ue your heater and a powerhead in the cooler. try and take as much water with you. the rest of what you are thinking is fine. i have moved several tanks and taking as much water with you will help with the stress.
leave the sand buy new only take a cup with you! but a power inverter is your best bet with a power strip to add multiple plugs wal mart air pump and heaters you can add I would say half the water in the live rock it will splash around in ther bucket to keep it all wet but heaters & air pumps with stones will help with keeping the water moving for the fish and corals. ice chest will help with keeping the heat in also.
I did a Seattle to Spokane trip once upon a time.... about the same size tank. I just did coolers and buckets and never stopped.... also had 40 gallons of water rdy for me at my destination. Didnt lose one thing and the next day the tank looked better then ever....

I would second the leaving the sand too though....
unless you want to rinse it all out 4 months can wreck havoc in a tank from all the not so goods in it you can by all means rinse it out I woule with a pillow case and rodi water. I only used used sand once and it was a PITA with the algea blooms and waiting for the sand to settle to add the corals and fish alot of things could happen ammonia spikes fresh cycle high nitrates and phos until settled. it is your choice I know I buy the cheap home depot sand so cheap and easy for me to replace 7 bucks a 100lb bag hardest things was carring it lol.
But adding the new sand will cause the sand storm in the tank anyways. . Right.

When you rinse out the sand would using salt water be best. . Or can you use just fresh water.

Isnt there a lot of life in the sand that would get killed?
yeah there is thats the Point as some of that life will cause head aches you can rinse in SW you want to get all the detrius and what not out of the sand and get it as clean as possible. before adding back to the tank getting the sand to settle is the easy part I have done it on my 100 where the water was clear in 1 hr before plastic lining over the sand and then add water and remove lining once filled little to no sand movement.
it was white (not that brown play sand) I will see if I can find it again I bought it when I lived in vegas new system is going bare bottom it was silica free in a brown bag with I believe green labels. it was sugar grain which also pissed me off but kinda grew on my after a while.
I will swing by home depot tomorrow and look i was supposed to go today but my niece took my car keys with her I turned my house upside down looking for them lol call at 10 on my daughters phone we have some things that belong to you lol let me guess my phone and keys yup. sorry rant over lol
Ive added new sand to a tank with zero cloudiness just wash it really well.... same can be said for your current sand.... just wash it and add it back or keep it alive.... just know things are going to be cloudy
that sand he is refering to from home depot is not available up here. its called southdown sand. its from the same company that sells carib sea sand i believe. anyhow i have tried to get it from out home depot and they said no. now i am sure if you wanted a full pallet they would get it.
I know alot of people say ditch the sand and replace....but I successfully moved 120gal tank, sand, rocks and live stock and it worked out pretty well.

I bought a bunch of the plastic totes with lids for LR, sand & water. I re-used my sand....I stirred it up good and then siphoned all the water off of it. Added the sand when the tank was about 1/2 full of water. Added my rock and then finished filling with water. It took a little time for the sand to clear.... I also added some Nite Out II (beneficial bacteria). I added a few chromies to insure the tank cycled. I checked my water perameters daily and did my 10% water changes weekly. My tank had a very small cycle (perameter changes) and within a week or so leveled out.

I had a smaller tank that I housed my fish in until the cycle finished. I would think that if they are in a container with heat, food, light, and water flow....they should be ok. You might have to do more water changes since there is no filtration. But that's just my opinion.

Good luck with the move.
I've moved a couple tanks home (Pullman to Issaquah) and here are some thoughts based on those experiences.

First off I would only consider filling those buckets up all the way if you have a truck otherwise you are going to have saltwater soaked carpet :(. Even in a truck I would fill them about 70% at the max, they'll still slosh, but it is a bit more manageable.

Also if you have not done a move before, the tank takes up A LOT more space broken down in a car than it does when it is up and running. I know that seems like common sense but it always surprises me how much real estate aquariums take up in cars (it's because you really cannot stack things on them). I hope you don't have to move furniture home this trip.

Two years ago when I moved my 29 gallon home I left the substrate, fish and rocks with corals attached in the tank. I drained down to a couple inches to carry it out to the car then filled it back up about 1/4 the way or so, however much was needed cover the rocks and such. If you have a truck make sure you keep the fish and corals inside the cab.

Last year when I moved my 55 gallon home I took the fish and rocks out but kept the substrate in with some water. It worked better because I wasn't planning on setting up my 55g at home again, also my 55 gallon is drilled and has a closed loop on it so it had more potential to leak, etc.

If it is manageable I feel like it is easier to keep some water in the tank with the fish and corals. It depends on the situation but it's less time to bag things up, chase fish around/etc. But you'll probably need to pump some water in and out of the tank between loading, driving, and unloading. Also a 72g is considerably bigger than a 29g so it's a judgment call you'll have to make.

If you pack the fish and corals separately, which will probably be a better choice in this situation, it helps to make them the last things you take out of the tank. If you use a Styrofoam container make sure you line it with plastic bags. With the 55g I just filled them up directly with water and put rocks in them and the water will slowly seep through the styrofoam. Luckily I had a rubber mat under it. It won't be enough to danger your livestock but you really don't want saltwater in/under the carpet of your car. (I didn't put much thought into it because it was liverock, once you start breaking down the tank the clock is on). That said, make sure you are packed and ready to go so that all you have to do is break down the fish tank and hit the road.

Not to step on any ones toes but I would keep the sand. I understand getting rid of it because of detritus but it is not going to be a problem. These tanks are pretty resilient in my experience, much more so than a college students budget :( Run some polyfil in your filters to help clear it up. If you don't have any other form of mechanical filtration run it in your refugium for a day.

If at all possible have someone at home mix up more than enough water because you will be short when you get home. With my 29g I brought back all the extra water from the tank in 1 gallon jugs, its a waste of space and weight if you don't have to and with a 72 gallon, it's just not going to happen. If they don't have a heater that is ok, a gallon jug full of hot water has decent heat transfer properties to bring 60* water up to 77* (whatever you keep your tank at, or higher to help heat the water that's been sitting in the car) pretty quickly. You just want to have it mixed in advanced so you aren't mixing new water and trying to get the tank up at the same time.

Also by having more than enough water at home you can vacuum out the substrate in Pullman. Vacuum it last, after all the fish and corals are out. You also might want to fill up the buckets for the live rock and bags for the fish and corals before removing the live rock to prevent detritus getting in the bags. (fill up the bags, remove the live rock, scoop out the fish/corals and pack them, vacuum the substrate while removing the rest of the water out of the tank).

Just drive straight through, don't waste time stopping to open the bags for oxygen, they will be fine. I have an AC/DC inverter and I never bothered with the heaters/airstones/etc. Keep them in a styrofoam box and fill any extra space in the box with bags of tank water (or tap water that is a couple degrees warmer).

The whole system is going to cool off by a couple degrees, and it is going to take some time for it to warm up. It's not ideal but nothing about moving a tank is. The live stock will be fine. Keeping your fish at 77* while the rest of the water gets down the 75*, then trying to acclimate the fish into colder water, while then shortly after bringing the water back up to 77* is going to shock the fish more. Two summers ago I installed a chiller on my 10 gallon tank here in Pullman and somehow managed to set the temperature to 66* instead of 76*. The tank went from 78* down to 66*, it scared the crap out of me but in the end my clowns and corals all survived. This happened over a 6-7 hour period of time (my second mistake was freaking out about the 66* and trying to get the temp back up to 76* I didn't realize that raising the temp too quickly would also stress the fish). I remember seeing the chiller read 66* and thought "no way, that's wrong" then stuck my finger in the tank and it was not wrong! At the other end of the spectrum I had a heater short out and fry my picotope at the beginning of this semester. The temp was 88*F when I got home. I only had hermits, snails and soft corals in it, I lost the snails almost instantly and a couple hermits, the corals weren't too happy until a couple water changes later, but a lot more survived than I imagined, and that was with the heater cracked in half, arcing under water.

I would pass on the heaters and focus on using your time efficiently. If you are worried about it I would use heat packs instead, less risky and less time consuming. Again keep in mind if your fish are in water that is a few degrees warmer than the rest of the water you aren't really doing them any favors, instead of having a 6 hour drive to acclimate, they'll have a 45-75 minute drip acclimation to the lower temperature, then a couple hours back up as the heater brings the tank back up.

If you need a styrofoam container I have one you can have. It's pretty nice (a lot better than the safeway ones) and it's sitting inside a cardboard box. (it's from a order).

If you are heading out on thursday or friday I should have some (a lot of) free time if you want an extra pair of hands to help. I know how much of a PITA it is to do alone.

Sorry for the novel, hopefully it helps!
+1 on Mr. Gone advice with a few tweaks:

Fish are shipped in bags and stay that way for HOURS from the ocean to the wholesaler, from the wholesaler to your LFS, and again on it's trip home to you.

I would get some 5 gallon buckets. Do a big W/C ~ 30-40% to make sure you have clean water. Fill up your buckets with water from your tank. Put in fish. Haul in cab of truck/car. Fill up more buckets, put in live rock. and do it again with your sand.

I think you'd risk causing a leak and/or a crack if you're going to haul your tank loaded with sand and water. It's a lot of weight and force the tank has to deal with having water and whatnot sloshing around inside it for a long drive.

Hope your move works out well for you and everybody makes it home safe and happy :D
Alright here is a few more information and thanks everyone for the generous help. It will help a great deal.

I have a suburban and my sister is coming with a truck. (I also have a fresh water tank with angel fish and a huge blue lobster, they will get loaded first).

I have two large coolers. . . (one will be for freshwater one for salt). What is the best way to make sure they are sterile as they are not new but was used very little for ice.

I will rinse out the sand with the left over water from the tank. . What is the best way (Pillow case)

What do I do with all the hermits, snails, etc. Try to catch as many as I can or just let them stay in the sand. (Nassarius Snails).
An Update. . .

Got the tank home and now I am waiting for some salt to mix. I have the fish in a QT tank. . everyone seems happy.

The Fatalities:

Lost my two cleaner shrimp. . . Not sure why but they were dead in the bags. :confused: