AHH I found a nudibranch! Good or bad?

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Finn, I've seen some eggs on my tank wall that i couldn't ID. It was a grouping about an inch long and solid in a perfect squiggle (does that make sense?) are these nudi eggs?

Also, how frequently shoudl I dip the zoos to get rid of any that I miss?

The eggs on the tank walls were most likely snail eggs of some sort.My guess.

Your second question is a tough one. By all rights if you do the dip, with all the steps that are on that link, freshwater, lugols, right ph, hard swishing around, etc., you should get them the first time. But now that you know you have them you really need to be proactive looking for them.
Looking after the lights go out, with a flashlight and magnifying glass, watching for polyps that aren't open.
Thanks for all the help. Nothing open right now unfortunately (where are the 24hr reef stores when you need them?) Will update after doing the dip in the morning.