Aiptasia Anemone

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Mar 20, 2007
I have a 40 gal reef setup. I just bought a fowler tank set up that has about 100lbs of live rock in it. The rock is covered with Aiptasia Anemones. Im thinking I should let the rock die out completely. just recure the tank and use my liverock and when all die off is complete and rock is clean readd it will seed off mine. how long shoud rock set for complete die off.
:) Hi, my lfs got in a shippment of foxface (I think that is the name, long pointy faces with black stripe across the eyes and some yellow around the tail . anyway they looked kinda skinny. The store had about 40 lbs of lr. that were covered and I mean COVERED with aiptasia. I went back and almost all the anemones were gone and those were some healthy looking fish!!! Maybe you need one of those. Would the lfs let you borrow one :D : or maybe you could buy one and return it after it ate them all. Another thing is there is a nudibranch that eats aiptasia. They are a bit hard to find. The store I was just refering to gets them sometimes, maybe a store near you could order some. In my case you have to put your name on a list and they call you when they come in. I don't remember the name of the nudibranch but I am sure someone else here does.

OOps I think I meant a copper banded butterfly fish.
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I have heard of the nudibranch but I am recycling tank.I thought that it might be a good time to cure the problem lol.
From what I know, which isn't a lot...Foxface won't eat Aiptasia, however, Copper Banded Butterfly will. Although then you'd have to figure out what to feed the fish after all the anemones are gone. Might also look into Peppermint Shrimp. I think your best bet would be to recure the rock though. Problem is, I don't know if just recuring will kill it all off. Maybe a good freshwater soak for a few days.
Thats what I was thinking maybe a freshwater soak a little sun and a real hard brushdown in 1040 salt soloution. Then recure.
Soak the rocks in a tube with a cup of bleach overnight, this will turn the rock white! Then boil it for a while to throughly clean the pours & start off fresh, it will seed quickly. If you let just a piece of aiptasia, it can spread.
I had a bunch of aiptasias and they all disappeared. I had two peppermints but I never saw them eat them.