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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
Reno, NV. USA
Please help w/ ID. I'm sure it is a glass anemone, he's a hitchhiker - been there since day one and he is much larger than before. Probably 2-2.5" Since I moved the rock, this is the best look Ive had of him...


I bought this stuff "Joe's Juice" today @ LFS because I was on wetwebmedia earlier and I thought it was probably aipstsia. Lots of pics, but I wanted to get second opinion. I did not think they got that big! Thanks for the confirmation. It has an injector with a solution to squirt them with. I will get on it!!!!
lol... there are a number of ways: lemon juice,vinegar,kalkwasser,calcium....
Try to find yourself a syringe and fill it w/ 2 ml of an item of your choice and stick it in his piehole and push!! lol. I used Kent Marine Liquid Calcium, worked good just make sure you get him the first time or you'll just piss him off and he will reproduce more rapidly.

You are faster than
Actually, I just found one more tiny one on the side of heater! Probably 2-3mm, very small. Crap - I hope these guys are not all over the place already. This is going to be interesting...
You can try a peppermint shrimp and or a copper banded butterfly. They are known to eat them. Only thing is you have to get the big Apstasia yourself. In my opinion, get the peppermint shrimp. Just make sure it is an actual Peppermint, the humpback (Camel) shrimp are almost identical, except for the large hump on the backs. Plus they are better looking than a sirynge in your tank. hehe
Okay, thanks everyone. I now have a Peppermint Shrimp and I Nuked him! Here is the aftermath...


I think he is toast. He shriveled right up! If there are small ones, hopefully the shrimp will eat them. He is pretty cool to look at too, runs around the bottom, looks like he is scavanging...

That's great Tony! So now that you have a peppermint shrimp, you might as well post a photo of him in your other thread...hint hint:)
He immediately hid in the live rock when I went to take a picture. I will get one when he comes out again....
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I'm sure I'll catch grief for this but remember aiptasia aren't all that bad, as long as they aren't in your main display. If you can keep them in a fuge or sump they are wonderful nutrient scrubbers.
I have a couple in my main display, or should I say I have half of one left... I gave one about 3mL of calcium/right in the kisser.. I'll get the other one in a few days...
Only one Peppermint? Poor guy, hehe kidding. Glad to hear you may have it under control. Reef keeping is like being an alcoholic. Have to much of anything and it can get you into alot of trouble. Everything in moderation won't hurt you or your health. If you have something undesirable in your tank. Find a way to control it, rather than irradicate it chemically. Just remember, your trying to recreate an ecosystem simular to the real thing. So having small amounts of anything can be a good thing. Its when things start dying off that you have to worry :D

Nice job and keep having fun.
Sorry for the slow reply everyone. Had to work in LV for the last three days.

Anyway, thanks to all for the advice and info. The shrimp seems pretty happy, still having a hard time getting a photo. Everytime, he spots me coming and hides in the rock. I read that he likes the night life and I won't see that much daytime activity. Maybe I will get him a buddy though, he is really cool to watch and my daughter really likes him.

No sign of the aiptasia anymore, I think I got it. They definitely are not taking over the tank, at least not yet, so if there are others, they are under control for now.

Thanks again everyone...