Algae bloom problem

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Apr 7, 2007
Kilauea, HI
So my 120 has been up and running for about a month but each day I notice that the water appears to be getting more green each day. It started out a bit cloudy once I started the system and live sand but the general cloudiness from the sand has shifted to a green tint. I've got a 30 gallon sump with skimmer and chaeto that I picked up from another established tank. I have added probably 20 pounds of live rock from my other tank to help get it going as well. My fear is that I picked up some suspect live rock from a used system that I purchased that I've removed for now. I've seen other posts on possible solutions like reducing the lighting cycle, more frequent and larger water changes. Does anyone have any other guidance on this?

All water parameters are normal and I use RODI water that is a brand new unit. Another concern I have is that I bought the lighting unit used and I fear that the bulbs may be old or of not the greatest quality. It's a dual 250 HQI setup with PC's.

Any help would be appreciated.
thats a big possibility with the lights if you dont know how old they are than you can be hurting alot in your tank, change bulbs and more water changes
like rod says do lots of water changes and change the lights do you ahve coral or any fish in it right now if you dont then i would say only have the lights on for a couple of hours a day and clean and clean the tank lol dont use chemicals its bad juju haha
I've got a couple fish in it right now that appear to be doing fine. I'll try the reduced lighting cycle and see if that helps.
yeah just reduce the lighting and do water changes lol and check ur parameters about 2 to 3 times a day if possible.
Green tint sounds like free floating algae in the tank. Not sure what chaeto does if it dies off, but how is it doing in your tank? Just a thought... Also, you could try running some activated carbon as well incase the "green" you are seeing may not actually be from an "algae" and see if it removes the discoloration from your tank. HTH's :)
So my 120 has been up and running for about a month but each day I notice that the water appears to be getting more green each day. It started out a bit cloudy once I started the system and live sand but the general cloudiness from the sand has shifted to a green tint. I've got a 30 gallon sump with skimmer and chaeto that I picked up from another established tank. I have added probably 20 pounds of live rock from my other tank to help get it going as well. My fear is that I picked up some suspect live rock from a used system that I purchased that I've removed for now. I've seen other posts on possible solutions like reducing the lighting cycle, more frequent and larger water changes. Does anyone have any other guidance on this?

All water parameters are normal and I use RODI water that is a brand new unit. Another concern I have is that I bought the lighting unit used and I fear that the bulbs may be old or of not the greatest quality. It's a dual 250 HQI setup with PC's.

Any help would be appreciated.

His system has been up only a month..... is it possible that the cycle process is just taking a bit longer..? Cause seeing algae is pretty normal in a new tank start up...when its cycling.
Hi all

i would recommend turning off lights for 3 days no light no algae and change your has worked for me and my customers for as far as i can remember. Good luck!!!