algae eating fish recommendation

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2006
looking for a small grazer recommendation for my frag tank which is 30 gallons. The tangs in my 180 display keeps the algae non-existant but the 30gallon is too small for a tang. I could use snails but would prefer a fish for the job.
agree with lawnmower blenny have one in my cube and its always on the hunt for algae
looking for a small grazer recommendation for my frag tank which is 30 gallons. The tangs in my 180 display keeps the algae non-existant but the 30gallon is too small for a tang. I could use snails but would prefer a fish for the job.

I had the same issue in my 55g refugium/frag tank. It's bigger than 30g of course, but still not big enough for the typical grazers. However, I was at Barrier and found a very small Pacific Blue Tang...about 1.25" and decided that he/she could swim around and eat all the algae it could ever dream of in that tank. Something you might consider:cool:

On the other hand, I have a "Master of the tank" Lawnmower Blenny that I got a very short time ago to put in my 100g. WOW he can eat!:eek: Since I purchased him, he has grown very fast and takes great care of the tank. The only problem(small prob) is that he HATES when I do anything with the tank and nips my fingers when I have my hand submerged. It doesn't hurt or anything, but it sure makes me jump. He can change colors and blend in to just about any background and I just never expect it when he decides to attack. Much water has been splashed due to these spookings.:rolleyes: Plus he has a great personality and perches on the rocks with a FAT belly and acts like he owns the place. The best part about him is that he leaves "kiss" marks in the thin algae film on the sides of the tank and my wife loves it..."awww cute":p
I think I will give a lawn mower a try, if he does not do the trick I will hire some snails. I had thought about a baby tang but unfortunately they do not stay babies for long and my main tank has enough tangs at the moment.
I have only known lawnmower blennies to eat hair algae and sometimes bubble algae. Go for mexican turbo snails. You dont need that many and they live longer.
Or an emerald crab, we have one of those and he is too cute to watch picking at the algae. He took care of a bubble algae prob we had on some new rock. We also have a lawnmower blenny for algae, and he is good at that too. It's neat when you get some on the glass and you can see his little kissy lips marks where he was eating it. We have turbos too, but they drive me nuts and die.