Algae for sumps Question

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Shane and John

father and son
Jul 7, 2007
Puyallup Wa
..ok so from readin other threads,since i am just using a small clip on light with a 60 watt bulb,should i get the grape caulipera out of my sump and replace it with Chato?i I read that without high lighting the Caulipera can get toxic<...Any suggestions?
i had grape its not as bad as people make it 2 be..... (it can be if your waters not right tho)

anyway cheto is the most favorite it seems... but then the convo turns in to "to spin or not to spin"


the bottom line is algae growin in a sump/refug is gonna make the algea in the display starve..... at least sounds good on paper..

im growing caulipera and cheto and bryposis under little t5 bulb strips from nova.
So what if i was to throw some Chato in there with the Caulipera...i only have a small ammount in there...I just got worried when i read it could get toxic...I have lots of Pod growth in there now,and would rather not have to take it out!!...Thanks...Shane
Shane and John;355089 I read that without high lighting the Caulipera can get toxic[/QUOTE said:
Never heard that before! Do you remember where you read it?

I use one of the "Lights of America" fixtures on my sump (available from Home Depot). I believe it uses a 65-w screw-in compact flourescent bulb. This is a fixture made for use outdoors, and has a plastic cover protecting the bulb from splashes, etc. Just remember to clean the cover every week or so.
Yes..was reading in the Advanced topics...The thread was Lighting for Refrugiums...someone had posted of caulipera getting toxic with outh the right lighting!!.....Is Bryopsis a Macro Algae?I have not heard if this??...Thanks...Shane

im sorry i shouldnt have said anything about that... my problem is bryopsis its bad it will destroy even the cleanest tanks.

im growing it in attempt to kill itself in my main display..... you should not seek this algae.... cheto and grape is good 2 good
Bryopsis is an algae you DO NOT want to deal with, as John mentions. It's a notorious nuisance algae.

You're on the west coast, so actually, caulerpa is illegal. Of course, it's everywhere, but there are good reasons for it to be banned here. The concerns are that if it ever saw our natural coasts (as in: It was unnaturally introduced by a hobbyist who didn't dispose of it correctly), it would thrive, and choke out a lot of the natural life that's there. To dispose of it correctly, place it in a plastic bag and freeze it for at least 24 hours. The freezing breaks down the proteins that hold the plant together, effectively killing it. Then, dispose of it in a place where it doesn't have a chance of making it to the ocean.

The reference to caulerpa being toxic was a little misleading. Caulerpa can go "sexual," releasing its spores through your system. The first problem is that if the sporing event is large enough, it can kill fish/corals/etc. in a "toxic" manner by choking out their access to clean water to breathe. The second problem is the spores will land all over your tank, including your pristine display, and you'll have a huge caulerpa farm. The only way you'll ever get rid of it at that point would be to start over with new rock. But I'd bet your nitrates will be low. :) Some people control the sexualization by running their refugium lighting 24/7, to "trick" the caulerpa into confusion. It might work, I'm not sure, but it reminds me of freezing nitro-glycerine so it doesn't explode. You're just asking for trouble.

Chaetomorph, on the other hand, is extremely easy to control. It should also be extremely easy to get a hold of, just about every reefer has some. It's just the responsible and simple way to utilize a macro algae.
I am curious about chaeto. Has anyone noticed that very little light is necessary for it to grow. I mean no more than 2hrs a day or even days without light at all?