Algae Problem..HELP!

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Jul 3, 2007
I have a 120g FOWLR that has an algae problem. I call it algae, but it may be something else. Pictures are below.

In the aquarium is a Hippo Tang (about 6" at most, a yellow tang (same size), a royal gramma, two clowns, seven chromis, two neon gobies, and a dwarf flame angel. There is over 100# of live rock. I have a Coral life Protein skimmer and a AC110 filter operating. Also, there are three Koralia powerheads (two #3s and a #2).

The tank has been set up since October of 2006.

Last summer, I had a Tunze skimmer (9010), but either I did not know how to operate it or it did not work properly. During that time, this algae problem began. I do water changes every three to four weeks of 35 Gallons. Since the actual water amount is probably about 100 gallons at most do to the live rock, I am guessing that this is about a 40% water change.

The fish I have range from the tangs being almost two years with me, the clowns a little over two years, and everyone else between a year to a year and a half with me (except the gobies which I purchcased a month ago).

The only fish that have died or disappeared is a royal gramma and cardinalfish (due to a heater malfunction...thanks to a sea urchin now given away) and a neon goby who simply disapeared. Thankfully there have been no disease outbreaks.

There are no corals, and there are two hermit crabs since the beginnning of the tank. There are about a dozen snails.

I do not know the current numbers of the water, but when I had them last tested they were good. I don't remember the numbers. While the nitrates were not zero, they were I think about 5. This was before a water change.

Does anyone have any ideas as to.....

1. Cause of the algae.

2. Cure of the algae.

3. Prevention of the algae.

I have used Seachems phosphate removal pellets in my AC110. This does seem to reduce the algae for a bit, but it never disappears.

I have heard that a Phosban reactor or a UV light may work.

Has anyone tried either? Has anyone tried something else?

As for my experience with aquariums, it has been with freshwater before this saltwater tank. I have had FW tanks for about 30 years. However, I know I have much to learn about SW.


You have some major detritus-producers in your stocking list, and two years is long enough for that sandbed to have accumulated a considerable amount of detritus.
That detritus is gradually decomposing, and releasing nutrients into your tank. Thay are not all being removed by your skimmer.
Running carbon will help. So will more/better skimming.
1. Cause of Algae: Main one is Phosphate, Long Photo Periods, ...high amounts of DOC's. Overfeeding contributes. Top off water from the TAP...

2. Cure: Phosphate remover, Weekly water changes, Wash Your frozen foods first.

3. Prevention is good maintenance by doing weekly water changes, Testing before water changes and after watching Nitrates and Phosphates. Dont over feed. Don't have very long photo periods like over 8 hours. Getting a ample amount of clean up crew. Plenty of Sand bed cleaners and rock cleaners , glass cleaners. AND use RO/DI water for top off only.

Nesarious snails (sand bed snails)
Astrae Snails for the glass and rocks
Turbo snails fast eating but get a bit big and cant go into small areas.
Blue Leg Hermits (rock clean up)
Emerald Crabs (rock clean up)

Just examples...

Phosban..>Rophos are good products but remember they will impact PH levels when first introduced so get a buffer ready.

UV is great and it does help by killing many things ..algae spores is one of them..also its good for the fish to.
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don't for get the aptaisa! there are loads of ways to kill it... i like to use a REALLY strong mix of kalk in a syrenge...
a proper clean up crew will do wounders!
also you could do a refugium. it makes a place for algea and critters to grow that isn't in your display. I prefer to grow cheato in there than other algea in my main tank!
You may need to change bulbs or clean your pumps or your RO membrane may need replaced.

The last time that happened to me...the pipes, pumps, and powerheads needed cleaning.
OR... Get a fuge and ADD the UV sterilizer to the outtake of the pump..and put the aptasia in there.

Aptasia are great filter feeders and die hard beasts...have a Fuge full of those ...just make sure the UV sterilizer is in place or have a huge problem in the display. =p
OR... Get a fuge and ADD the UV sterilizer to the outtake of the pump..and put the aptasia in there.

If you do this, make sure that your pump flow rate provides adequate exposure time in the UV unit. Too much flow, and only partial sterilization.