Algae Question - with photo's

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2006
Coeur d'Alene, ID
My wife and I are new to reef-keeping. We've had our fish/corals tank for just over a year now. Things are going pertty well, but we have a question about some green algae we're not sure about. (pictures attached).

Is this good or bad?

If it is bad, what do we do about it?

Our water quailty is good, except our Calcium is high. Our MH lights are due for new bulbs next month.

Thanks for your help!
Merry Christmas,
Randy & Deanne

It does not look like hair algae (Cant really tell from photos) so I would not be concerned at this stage this is where a tang would earn its keep, certain varieties of algae are considered advantageous within the hobby but is a personal thing, I think personally that they add colour and vibrance and as previously mentioned a natural food source.

Seasons Greeting

Thank you, Ricki
It does add color and doesn't really look all that bad. We do have a Tang, but he is more interested in the green on the glass.

Merry Christmas
Randy & Deanne
i don't know the name of this "monster" but i have the same alage and it was due to the over doseing of additives like marine snow and coarl vital. i thought i was doing good for my coarls by increaseing the nutrient level but it actual increased the growth of the alage. this kind of alage grows at astonishing rates and is very hard to get ride of!!! review your dosing of you chems and obviously decrease your amount of nutrients you are adding. also it can come from bad lights, when the life of you lights is at their end algae can start to take over. two more things, check your skimmer and make sure it's doing it's job and make sure the water you are useing is "good"; low TDS levels are importain. don't let this beast take over like i did!!!
Looks like a type of turf algea. Likely slow growing. IMO you should remove as much as possibly hand , skim wetter, increase WCs and feed less processed foods.
i would not pull at it... that led me to some trouble back in the day..... get a good id on it...

a closer more detailed pic will help..

but some aglae's can spread more when desturped
I will see what we can do for a better picture. It is very thick and doesn't come off easily, a wire brush might not even do it. We have a tang, we change the water every 2 weeks, useing RO water. We do not use additives. We will be changing the lights soon. Thank you all for the help.