algae question?????

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Nov 19, 2008
i have a darkish red algae growing only on my crushed base and live rock is this just one of the growing stages of a reef?
Cycling stages when you first start up you should see green film and diatoms but those diatoms are more deep marroon to brown color...

The silky red stuff that has bubbles form under it like pimples ...even have noodly strands flowing from it as flow passes over it....that is cyano.

First you need to verify your ID of what you have and a PIC would help a whole lot. not the best link I could find but it has some pictures and descriptions.

How old is the tank?
What is your test readings for Nitrate,Nitrites,Ammonia, Calc, Alk, PH and Salinity?
DO you have a skimmer?
Do you top off with Tap water or RO/DI water?
When you started that tank did you pre make your own Salt with Tap water or RO/DI?
Live rock amount Rough Guess in LBS?
Size of Tank?

So others can advise you better on what to expect ...what to watch and etc etc..this info would be very helpful to the forums members to further assist you.