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Lost in the salty water
Aug 21, 2005
My tank has become some what algea infested. That came out stronger than really needed. But I'm finding that I do get a fair amount of algae on the glass and occasionally am getting a light film in places on the sand. COuld this be do to the extent that the lighting is on. My lights usually run about 10 hours a day. Water quality looks good, regular water changes.

Jason, If your tank is fairly new or you have had some significant changes, perhaps its just diatoms.Is it brown?
Water parameters are all good.
Bio load is next to nothing (5 fish)
The tank is still fairly new (3 months)
The algea on the sand is brown.
The algea on the glass is green and tough to scrape off (little round dots).
20 Mixed snails
4 Hermit crabs
0 star fish (trying to find a good one to fit the reef tank bill)
I assume you are skimming constantly.

Dont fight or clean algae, join algae. Its time for cheato. Let it get a strong hold and it will out compeate anything else.
skimming 24/7.

So reccomendation would be throwing some cheato in the sump. Any recs on a good place to get some.

Sounds like your tank is is just going thru its cycles. For the sand a sand sifter star might help also more hermits. What size tank?
I have a 46 bowed with about 40 hermits and 30 snails. I still get some green algae on my glass that I scrape
I will give you all the cheato you need. You will also need 2700k home depot compact florecent spiral bulbs with built in spotlight reflectors. They are 23watts each, and cost $19.99 for 4.
2700K? I've had the best luck with the 5800K Daylight bulbs from Fry's. My chaeto probably doubles in size every 2-3 weeks now. I also have some chaeto you can have as well and that Xenia frag if you still wanted it.
Jason, I wouldn't stress too much about it. The tank is still young and it will happen. Just a fact of cycling we have to live with. As Luke suggested, a algae of some sort like chaeto will help some. If you make the conditions more suitable for algae to grow in another place other than the main display (like in a fuge or sump) then it will grow there more rather than as much in the tank. I personally light up my sump with more watts per gal using freshwater lights (6700k) on an alternate photoperiod and it is disgusting what I have growing in there and I never added anything from in the beginning. I guess if I didn't do that, the crap I have growing in my sump would have been growing in my tank. Just a thought I figured I'd toss out for you. In any event, it should all eventually subside. Best of luck man:)
Dieselbreath said:
20 Mixed snails
4 Hermit crabs
0 star fish (trying to find a good one to fit the reef tank bill)

Hey Jason,

I have a sand sifting starfish that I need to get rid of. Where are you located at? I am ditching the sandbed for a while, so I will no longer be able to keep him. Let me know if you are interested.

As far as lighting the cheato goes, from my personal experience, I had 2 x 55watt 10k compact florecents over my cheato when I started because it was recomended to me. I still had algae, and the cheato growth very slow, and beyond about 1-2" past the surface it just sorta turned clear and decomposed. Not anyway to export nutrients.

So, after a few months of that, I switched to a 6500k spiral setup. I ended up looseing ALL my cheato, and when your tanks only means of filtration and nutrient export is cheato, and you loose it all, its not a good thing.

So, a guy at hydroponics shop recomended I try these homedepot 2700k bulbs, and gave me a pretty detailed explainiation why green algae likes the different color peaks they have. So, I rigged up 6 of them over my fuge, got a couple handfuls of another cheato start, and POOF!!!! The growth is like a small explosion in my fuge. I havent scientifically measured it, but it seems like i produce about 2 packed shoe boxes a week, and if I slack off on harvesting for about a month, it actaully grows clear up and out of the tank by a few inches. It also stays dark green, strong, and healthy clear to the bottom of the fuge rather than just the top 2-3 inches staying healthy.

If you read my post on color temps, its totally possible for any color temp bulb to have the proper wavelegnth peaks. If you took these 2700k bulbs and threw in some phospor that coverts the UV into the 400nM range for example, you could easily turn them into 10k-14k color temp bulbs, and they would still be provideing the proper wavelegnths for algae growth, they would just have some blue thrown in there with it. So, for this reason, I cant judge anyone elses bulb temp recomendations, because they could easily have the 2 phospors in it that the algae wants, along with some other phsopors that make the k value come out anywhere, and it would still grow cheato like a champ. I recomend the homedepot 23watt CF self refected spot light bulbs because I KNOW they have the right peaks in the right places, and you dont have the guess work associated with going with a perticular color temp recomendation which of course has an infinate possible number of wavelegnth peaks that all arive at the same color temp.

Meleevs reef site has a good write up on this. He started with some 6700k daylights, had bad results, but he didnt know it becuase he didnt realize how fast cheato COULD grow. He switched to the 2700k homedepot bulbs, and I belive he quotes that the algae growth "exploded". Later he does a test with some special order 5100k home depot bulbs and they show faster growth than the 2700k by a moderate amount in a back to back test. I think these would be ideal if you want to special order them (9.99 per bulb!!), but for simplicitys sake, the 4 pack for 19.99 of 2700k has been a proven winner for me and many other people whom i helped setup a cheato filled sump for.
Interesting. I've used 2x18W 6500K PC's before and had zero growth. I then switched to a cheapo aluminum fixture with a 5800K spiral bulb and have had great results. I have a few of those Soft White spirals laying around (most seem to be around 2700K) that I use in my house. I will give it a shot and see how it does. Thanks for the info.