Algal Turf Scrubber question

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Apr 5, 2007
Los Angeles
I'm thinking about setting up a Algal turf scrubber in my tank, but i was wondering does does macro algae , like Caulerpa and Chaetomorpha.. are similar to hairy algae.. and do they consume the same nitrate and phospate? hairy algae seem to grow alot faster then caulerpa and chaetomorpha, if i created a sump with hairy algae would that help fix the amount of organic and inorganic waste in the water? its just a thought and might try the experiment.. just wondering if anyone ever try it? any advice would be greatful..

ABSOLUTlEY STAY AWAY FROM ANY CAULERPA SPECIES!!!!! I cannot stress this enough! They are poisonous! I do not exagerate! Caulerpa = death!

Turf scrubbers compared to protien skimmers are high maintence. They do remove more than skimmers but at a much lower volume and much, much higher maintencae factor
True Turf Algae scrubbers usually use "Turf Algae" They do work well if done correctly. There's lots of links on here, as well as other forums, to describe their use, how to build them and how to seed them with Turf Algae. In fact, there was quite a controversial thread on here awhile back about using them to replace the need for skimming. I can't stress enough...DON'T get rid of skimming!! Using an algae scrubber in conjunction with skimming and other maintenance does work though.
i plan to keep my skimmer and phos reactor..i just wanna add a turf algae to help control hair algae in the display tank.i have a extra frag tank on the side that will be used to build one.. ..i'll try it out if it doesn't work i guess break down frag tank and make it into a pipe fish tank..hehe lol.. thanks guys

aquariumdebacle said:
ABSOLUTlEY STAY AWAY FROM ANY CAULERPA SPECIES!!!!! I cannot stress this enough! They are poisonous! I do not exagerate! Caulerpa = death!
Wow! I've never heard of this before. I thought that the biggest problem with caulerpa was it going sexual and clouding a tank. From what I've heard, people harvest grape caulerpa and feed it to their tangs all of the time.:confused: Can you elaborate and show where you get this fact from?
My Foxfaces LOVE caleurpa. I've heard the same thing about it being poisonous, but haven't ever found anything to substantiate this. I've also never been able to substantiate it going sexual or wiping out a tank because of it.

I do keep mine growing separate from Chaeto and NOT in my display because it can quickly attach to anything and overgrow your tank. That's the only precaution I take with it.
I think what was meant when it goes sexual it can kill off your tank. I have a different take on caulerpa. We "the hobby" have brought it in and its now causing problems on our own coast line. I think if we all should just stop using it in hopes that our coast line will eventually go back to normal. There are other algaes that can be used.JMO

:evil:I would have figured guys........... I only tend to debate when people make blanket staements like this one and dont elaborate at all. A comment like "caulpera=death" is pretty vague and IMO really shouldnt be written unless its substantiated with facts to back it up. Alot of reefers would likely walk away from this thread only more confused than before.
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Very good point...and much healthier algaes for our Herbivores. While it's still legal in WA, I sure hope hobbiests aren't dumping it and causing the coastal problems. I think that's what's happened in CA.

Wether its legal hear or not it going to end in CA or FL eventually. Someone is going to sell a coral and ship it with caulerpa. They claim it started from rain water and sewer drains washing it to the ocean. JMO it should be removed from the hobby all together.:) Back to the subject, sorry.

here are some pics of my ats.
i also would not say this is a cure all and should not replace all equipment.
it does work fairly well as far as lowering no3 and po4... but is alot of work compared to a skimmer.
i started this because i added 50lbs of live rock that was not cured and almost nuked my tank and i think it would have been a complete disaster without the ats.
they are cheap and easy to build. if you want the "turf" algae to grow it has to be ran on a on/off wave maker with a powerhead. i just feed mine a constant flow from my overflow...

the last pic is the scrapings i took off of ONE side of my ats tonight.:cool: