I'm operating on the assumption none of the fish or corals are new or even fairly new. Some fish diseases can do a number on a tank like brooklenella (however its spelled) wiped out half my tank in a matter of 24 hours a few years ago.
With inverts being fine and acting normally I would also doubt a chemical problem. My voltage leak is way higher than that, and I've never noticed a problem (nor have I located the cause, but I have about 60 things plugged in on the system). Oxygen is a possible idea, but unless the fish are huge (I'm assuming again this is the 90 gallon) I would be suprised at it being a problem that quickly.
There are a couple of preditory snails that can kill off fish, but again, if theres nothing new added, I doubt that (I got that from Clarks in B-ham, and I'm done with them). I recently ended up with a cone snail off a frag, which is why I bring it up.
So yea... I guess I got nothing...