Some facts
- Construction was begun in September 1996.
- In order to filter the water and control the various processes, some 10 kilometres of wiring and pipes are required.
- The surface area measures well over 3,400 meters, while the useful floor area measures some 5,500 square meters.
- Burgers’ Ocean consists of 11 basins with a total volume of well over 8,000,000 (8 million!) litres of water.
- Visitors look through 23 acrylic panels and a tunnel wall with a total surface of 475 square meters.
- The walk is some 300 meters long.
- To construct the building approx. 6,500m3 of concrete were cast.
- The walls and floors were coated with 6,100 m3 of coating, to protect them against the corrosive sea water.
- Gross contents of the building: 47,500m3.
- Pumping capacity is approx. 1,050m3 per hour.
- The project itself can produce 57,000 litres of sea water at a time.