An SPS "wall"

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Well-known member
May 16, 2007
Hey Kevin, I was trying to engineer something that I believe would look pretty cool so I thought I'd ask your advice for it. I always notice that when looking at reefs some corals tend to branch out from rocks sideways and go up, well I wanted to do that with my tank on the overflow, its flat, black, and does nothing really but take up a corner of the tank so why not make it pretty! I bought one coral today it was an acropora something that looks almost like birds nest but has a greenish tint to it in metal halide lighting.
Here's a picture of my tank and I do have a few softies but I am running activated carbon and chemi pure, my main question is which type of SPS do you think would be best for this? I was considering red monti's or anything that branches out and up.
Thank you for your time,
millis can make table tops there very cool but u do realize any corals that branch out near the top will cut ur light underneath it thats if ur growing stuff under your corals that are branching
Hi Brandon,
I think you forgot to attach the picture of your tank ;)
Many of the Acropora millepora corals have table growth patterns. Some others are A. aculeus, A. hyacinthus, A. cytherea, and A. plana. These are the common ones I can think of that should be easy to get a hold of. Superglue works best for attachment and frags are much easier to attach than colonies plus they will encrust on their own to the side of the tank which is a stronger attachment than glue.

I like to attach Montipora plating type corals to the sides.

then you should be fine in the light covering the zoos. but it seems to be a bit dim over there (probably just the pic though) it looks like the zoos (or palys) are on a large rock can you move that? then you will have more room to work with (just my 2 cents)

oh ya nice tank by the way
ya montipora cap would be a better choice i actually have some mounted on my overflow. it grows fast and is alot hardier than acros
If you look on that rock you can see there's also a monti cap too, its 5 months old and has encrusted about an inch in every direction