And another fish...Emperor angel

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Kirk, you may have covered this in another thread, but what kind of skimmer do you use for the 375? Also, any supplemental filtration, ozone, and/or UV?

I have a H&S model 250 skimmer rated for 700 gallons. It is one of the higher end German made skimmers and is a work horse.

my sump does have a filter chamber where I use filter media; I also use ozone and UV. My UV has been offline for almost 2 months. I plan on reinstalling it on Sunday with the help of a friend. Once the UV is up and running, I'm going to cut back on ozone as notice it does affect sinuses/head.
Just watched another 30 minutes of your tank's live stream ( the link is in NC2WA's signature at the end of his post) ! I love the scribbled and the emperor seems to be fitting in :) When do you usually feed? would be cool to watch! Great work!


Glad to get a confirmation that the webcam is working..Have a couple of users saying Java problems and not able to watch.

any who...During the week, I normally feed around can tell, as the masses are huddled in a group in the right hand corner of the tank..

Were you able to see the 2 facula butterflies and declivis butterfly? I added them to the tank on Sunday.

FWIW, in QT, I have 3 more angels: Red Sea Regal, Red Sea Asfur, and Maldives Annularius (Blue ring). the asfur and blue ring are from DD, but not going to add until I treat prophylactically with copper for 2 wks.
The two faculas are definitely quite active swimming around the tank, but i haven't seen much of the declivis. he might still be adjusting to the new home. He does swim back and forth every once in a while but doesn't like to hang out in the open it seems. Maybe the declivis is just camera shy or just busy looking for more food :) he does look beautiful when he is on camera though!
it is normally on the far right hand side of the tank behind the live rock :( ..the furthest distance from the camera, so might be hard to see it.
i understand the sad face :( why cant all the fish just know to swim in the middle, in the open and get along all the time :p I'm sure the declivis butterfly will be a little more bold as it becomes accustom to the surroundings and the other fish. the declivis does run across the tank back and forth occasionally and what's good is i don't notice any bullying . I'm sure it will come out more, just give it a little time :)
Thanks for the feedback on your skimmer and Ozone/UV useage. I've found that Ozone definitely improved the water color. Hope the UV goes online ok. I know I feel better using it in my system.

what is the error you get?

also what version of the browser are you using? there is an issue with IE 8 and 9 that will not allow activex or java to be installed.

I have not tested my webcam with Google Chrome. I know people with Internet Explorer and Firefox are OK.

My wife has Chrome and do some testing...

pleasure meeting you....hopefully it was worth while..

I was able to get Chrome to connect to the webcam with no issues...I would try to uninstall and reinstall the version 1.5.0_12 of Java..
Awesome system, Kirk. I really like the way you have set things up to make everything easy to do. And the angels and others in your display tank are just incredible!