And now for the continuing story........

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2006
Thought I should update;)

Well, all fish are now in my 240....all had been dipped and I treated all fish with Fluke tabs before placing them in ...[ this med is VERY strong..I almost lost my Candy Hogfish. He appeared very close to death, laying around breathing heavy. When I moved the others from qt, I placed him in my 46 gallon, I did NOT want to have to try and locate a dead fish in my 240..the next day that goofy fish was up and about like nothing happened!! When I move my reef to my 75 gallon, he's going in the 240]
Anyway, I added all the fish from the main at once...I know, best to go slow, but with such a large tank that had been up for 5 months and most of the fish being small...I didn't think there would be any problems.. Everything was fine, water stayed good, no spots and my Raccoon is loving this 8' tank!!
In 5 days I added my Blueface. I had tried to formalin dip the fish before moving [he did not get the Fluke tabs] but removed him pretty quickly as he turned white and was beating the sides of the tank:oops: All was well except the Blueface occasionally chasing off my Raccoon:mad:
5 days later in went the Tangs:rolleyes: In qt,the Hippo had looked great , no spots after the formalin dips...The White face had developed on a couple of occasions what looked like pimples:confused: He continued to eat well and the spots usually disappeared with a bath dose of Prazipro [or maybe they went away on their own?] I placed both the Tangs in, the Hippo went into hiding at first but the White face swam around taking a beating from the Raccoon, the Argi's and the Blueface:rolleyes: By that evening....SPOTS:eek:
I just threw up my hands!! I have done everything I could! The Hippo still looks good, but for an occasional large white spot on his fins..the Raccoon has had a couple of the tiny white dots again that come and go ..but all are eating well and the White face is behaving normal , he just looks as if he needs clearasil!!
I am wondering if this is some type of Myxospordian [sp?] or Microspordian infection?
Anyway, as long as the fish are eating and behaving normal...they are staying in the 240...The White face seemed to have broke out due to the stress of the move and his new tankmates aggression. I ordered an 80 watt uv, I hope this will help some. I just think moving the Tang back to the 55 qt will do more harm than good at this point..I will keep an eye on him, if he takes a turn for the worse, I'll move him:cry:
So thats it! wish me luck:D
Well good luck!

Yeah i know how you feel about just throwing your hands in the air. Sometimes its best to just let these things run their own course. I did find though that when i had the UV on my tank that disease outbreaks were a lot less common.

If this is a Myxo or Microspordian infection, the UV will unfortunatly be worthless as there is no cure but at this point, its worth a try;)

I should also note...the White face spots are very small....Looking at the tank at a normal distance, you see nothing..I have to get right up to the glass to see his spots..I do have dim lighting though, only 2 -40 watt pc [the lights that came with my 125 gallon] We'll see how he looks when I get my t5's up:shock:
Well i hope for you that its not!

Tank should look a lot better once the t5s are on!

Did you ever have any luck selling your 125?
After writing my update yesterday...I feed the fish and the White face Tang looked better...spots are getting smaller.. Hopefully this will pass

Where the heck is Steve??:confused:
Sorry, beautiful sunshine here the past few days. After all the rain we've had, hard to stay indoors.

If the spots are diminishing I doubt this is Microspora related. Given they are obligate in nature, a fishless system would not allow the existance to be maintained for 5 months. The fish did not exhibit these signs in their QT's so I seriously doubt it once added to the new 240. There are treatments but they can kill the fish just as easily as cure it. That and I doubt you'd be able to get your hands on anything. You already know the prognosis otherwise.

Are the spots mainly in the facial area or haphazardly about the body?

Hi Steve!! Glad your away having 'Steve Time' deserve a break from us once in awhile!!

The White face did break out in these pimple type bumps a couple of times in qt but they would disapear in a couple of days or so...I dosed the tank with Prazipro the two times they showed up..[not sure that actually did anything :confused:
The bumps are scattered on his body and face.
He looks even better today. I have looked at every disease in my Noga's and my Untergasser book and I am stumped. I guess thats why I was do some research on the Microsporas...I can't imagine anything else living through all the meds and the Hypo.
I found some parasites that will take advantage of stressed fish...Trichodinosis is one and.....I forget the others:D Starts with a 'c ' [have to grab my Noga] Although the meds should have taken care of those issues also

Oh well, I will just keep my face off the front of the tank...stand back at a normal distance and watch my fish like normal people;) I am prepared to take action if needed but as of right now, I think I'll just watch:)

Oh and for those who asked for pics...the spots most likely wouldn't show up in the pics, I have to look real close to see them...:)
If your fish are not exhibiting signs (fin rot, heavy mucus, infection at the site) of either Trichodinosis or Costiasis, I would not suspect them either. Other than visually seeing white nodes and then having them disapear, there are no other "clinical" symptoms to help identify the problem. I doubt you will be able to without a scraping and microscopic examination.

At this point I would make sure water quality is maintained as high as possible, foods fed are fortified, the use of Beta Glucan is included and there is as little stress as possible. With any luck this is just a minor anomoly that the fishs' own immune system will take care of. At least we can hope, you and the fish have been through enough.

I think a scraping is a little out of my league;)
Been doing weekly water changes and feeding a variety of good frozen foods .. I alternate soaking the food in Selcon and Vita-Chem [I use more Vita-chem, also put it in the water weekly] I do need to locate some Beta Glucan.

The stress part, well ....the White face Tang has surprised me and is no longer being harrased....He will actually harrass my Blueface when he gets in 'his spot' in the rocks.. He will keep it up till the Blueface moves..He doesn't bother the Raccoon ....The Blueface chases off the Raccoon, who darts away but comes back..:rolleyes: But for the most part, things have calmed down a lot.
The White face looks even better today and the Hippo looks great and is out and about in full view...Towards the end of qt, the hippo hide from me constantly in the decor. Its so nice to see them swimming this 8' tank, they seem to LOVE the extra room [even with the new tankmates]
Yes, my Tangs and I have been through a lot:) But I am so glad the White face didn't die! It was worth all the salt and water changes and all the money spent on medicine:oops: [I think;) ]

Thanks so much for all your help! I'll post an update in a couple of weeks and let ya know how they're doing!!