And Now I Wait

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Yea I do not think Eco Tech will be contacting me antime soon for a raving Public Endorsement. Now that I have extra wetside less magnet I will try some experimenting with some alternative materials, better quality magnet(s) and orientation... if successfull, maybe then they will contact me for generation III or IV versions... lol

Cheers, Todd
Took a bit to get aligned and quiet as it gets... which is not very quiet... by far the loudest piece of equipment I have on entire system.
On the positive side, they do produce great flow

I found that to be true with mine.
Great flow, but couldn't live with the noise.
Yea I do not think Eco Tech will be contacting me antime soon for a raving Public Endorsement. Now that I have extra wetside less magnet I will try some experimenting with some alternative materials, better quality magnet(s) and orientation... if successfull, maybe then they will contact me for generation III or IV versions... lol

Cheers, Todd

I must say Todd,
I have always admired you positive attitude!!!
Well... it passed muster in Night-Mode but did not go FIVE minutes once she got home to say "What the He!! is that racket coming from your tank!" I'm suprised that it does not seem to bother the fish at all, I knew that the four Tangs and Anthias would like the added current to swim in but since sound carries so well in water would of thunk it would have anoyed them some. Debating on wether to set up my 50g QT with only 5/16" acrylic for comparison to see if its mostly the 3/4" acrylic on my display that makes it this loud or just in its design. Oh well, Colin have you received yours yet ??? If so what are your and your spouses? opinions ???

Cheers, Todd
I did manage to win the battle with the clowns on Saturday. Ended up having to catch the female in the net and just let her float in the corner... It was a little bit of a battle until that point... Haha =)

Picked up the pump yesterday and got it installed. Was pretty easy to set up, and it took a minute to get it aligned properly but once i did all the sound went away. The only noise i do notice a little is when the motor goes from a lower setting to higher (i have mine on reef crest at 100%) setting. At that it isn't to loud, and from what i've read should quiet down within a week or so. Even if it were to stay at the same noise level it wouldn't be the end of the world. With the tv on and just the normal sounds that are being made when we're downstairs i can't hear it. I didn't really notice it until i went downstairs with everything turned off.

As far as the flow goes its amazing, i took out the 2 koralia evo 1050's I was running on that side of the tank. I left one on the opposite side, and may put one of the ones i removed over there as well, have yet to decide on that one though. It was incredible to see how much crap was picked up into the water column, the fish seem to enjoy it as well =)
Well... it passed muster in Night-Mode but did not go FIVE minutes once she got home to say "What the He!! is that racket coming from your tank!" I'm suprised that it does not seem to bother the fish at all, I knew that the four Tangs and Anthias would like the added current to swim in but since sound carries so well in water would of thunk it would have anoyed them some. Debating on wether to set up my 50g QT with only 5/16" acrylic for comparison to see if its mostly the 3/4" acrylic on my display that makes it this loud or just in its design. Oh well, Colin have you received yours yet ??? If so what are your and your spouses? opinions ???

Cheers, Todd

Did you take out that rubber gasket that goes on the outside of the tank? I noticed that it said if you're using the 3/4 setting to not install that piece. Not sure what that would do for noise though?
Good! Glad to hear you won the battle and that your pump is quiet enough for you. I think a big part of mine neing so loud is it needs a new bearing. Been running at 100% on the green setting, whatever that is, since my other mp40 got fried from water. Really need to get that fixed. Just need the driver. $100+ is hard for me to come up with at the moment though.
If i remember correctly the green setting was just constant current. $100+ is hard for a lot of people most of the time. Shoot, i think i saved for like 6 months to buy this powerhead...
Man I'd love to have a MP40 but all the stories about noise and bearings going out makes it hard to justify that kinda money. I heard 2 MP10s on a tank and they made alll kinds of noise. But if you want that flow controll then what do you do?
Must just depend on the person, I'll hear something that's driving me crazy and my wife will say she can't hear anything. But then the same thing will happen to her where she hears it and I can't. Guess we're all sensitive to different sounds and pitches. I'd take a little noise for the flow though, my tank isn't silent to begin with between the over flow, fans, skimmer, and return pump.
Colin good to hear yours is within acceptable noise range and beginning to think that they are just not meant for 3/4" material. I did remove the pin spacer as noted in instructions and since it a brand new wetside a bearing is not the issue unfortunately. It's a bummer though as I went to such great lengths plumbing wise to make this system very quiet... until now. I wil try and mess with a bit more before going back to Evo 1400's or buy a Tunze ???

Cheers, Todd
Which setting do you have yours running on? I put mine on the reef crest mode at full power. It seems to me that most of the noise that i hear happens when the motor goes from a low speed to a high speed. Once it reaches the speed that the controller tells it to go to the sounds seems to go away for the most part.
Man I'd love to have a MP40 but all the stories about noise and bearings going out makes it hard to justify that kinda money. I heard 2 MP10s on a tank and they made alll kinds of noise. But if you want that flow controll then what do you do?

Ecotec has a replacement bearing, think its ceramic, thats supposed to make it quieter. My wetside isnt the problem though. Its tje motor. It definately isnt bothersome to me or my family, but when its off or in feeding mode, you most definately notice how loud it is.
Originally had mine on Lagoon Random but changed over to Reef Crest, at least it is quiet part of the time now (at lowest flow period) On Constant Speed it only quiets down around 30%+- but then is no better than Evo 1400's at 1/9 the price. The noise sounds like an old oscilating fan or worn out playing cards in bicycle spokes.. lol I believe the magnets cannot keep aligned through 3/4" acrylic at higher speeds than this. At least the Fish are enjoying it for now.

Cheers, Todd
colin779 glad the sound they make isn't a issue. They are terrific pumps and the different settings are huge.

I couldn't live the the noise mine made, so I was lucky and found someone with a pair of Tunze 6105's with a 7095 controller that wanted to trade.
I believe the magnets cannot keep aligned through 3/4" acrylic at higher speeds than this. At least the Fish are enjoying it for now.

Cheers, Todd

Well If you want, I'll take it off your hands and try it on my acrylic tank. It's not 3/4"........LOL I'm sure I could find a way to live with the noise.

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