And the Presidential decision is . . . . .

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2006
Orting, WA
We cannot come to a decision.

The PSAS Board of Director have one desire and that is to try to make this club what the members want, do it fairly and make it fun. So we do not want to just step in here by ourselves and make a decision regarding the President of our club.

Therefore; we have taken the ideas that have been posted along with some of our own and narrowed them to the three we feel are the most reasonable methods and now we want to let you choose how you want this decided.

Please post your preference from the following list:

Board of Directors secret ballot vote
Secret ballot re-vote at the next meeting
Nominees become Co-presidents

We will go with the majority based on post made by the end of Saturday 10/11.

Please keep this thread friendly, everybody is entitled to their own opinion :)

And no more ties!
it was a tie? :eek: So web voting via "poll" didn't work? Seems like that is the best idea still, but BOD Secret Ballot might be OK too. How many would be voting?
do a quick revote at the next meeting. It's decisive, not controversial and will provide quick results by people that are directly affected and active.
I have to agree with Reed. The online vote had no way of verification of membership nor even how many votes per member (multple aliases)

Either use the evite method to known members or count hands present
That's dark... so you guys think people were cheating?

I like the evite idea. My concern about a meeting vote is that many members will not be able to make it. BUT, the evite would not be anonymous.
Evite would not work, there are over 500 names on there. and like the 70 people that voted here, not all of them are members... I vote for the current BOD to vote and just get it over with. The longer the club goes without a president the longer its gunna take to get everything rolling...
aw jeez....:cry:
are we seriously going to drag this out to another meeting??

for gods sake, just do a secret ballot of the bod, and get this over with...:idea:
normal people who donate their time by volunteering for civic clubs dont have to go through this...
and ghazni and myself are fairly busy people, is it fair to us to keep dragging this out??
besides, the club HAS TO DO IT AGAIN IN 7 MONTHS!!!!

and yeah, the connotation that we're cheaters IS pretty dark...
thanks for that....
Evite would not work, there are over 500 names on there. and like the 70 people that voted here, not all of them are members... I vote for the current BOD to vote and just get it over with. The longer the club goes without a president the longer its gunna take to get everything rolling...

I say this with the deepest respect. We have been doing fine without president. :) The next two months are pretty much planned. Calender of events is planned.

I like the co president line as long as people can get along without drama. If people can work together as one with everyone including sponsors it would be awesome. The group has been working together quite well as of late.
This place is meant to be fun. Elections cloud that issue.

I looking for a No Drama sign. Be back soon.

I am going to be honest. I did not vote. I like both people. They both have awesome talents.
I also support the shared responsibility idea, and think it should allow both parties to practice their individual skills, and lighten the load. Of course both parties would need to be motivated just by their desire to help the club, as opposed to wanting the title of "President."
ed, your so nice and friendly, and everyone likes you...
im curious why you didnt take over as president, isnt that what the v.p. does??
wouldnt that make everyone happy anyway?
i suspect i would have serious opposition as prez by at least 2 of the bod members, making it difficult for me to employ my pinko leftist green hippie secret

and if were talking about what's best for the club then i actually think it's a serious consideration...
ed could become prez, then the next in line can become vp, which would be the secretary, and so on, then if the bod wanted, i could have some lesser position on the bod, just like what ghazni has. that way the 2 tied opponents would have equal status, the the prez would be loved by everyone, and life would go on as normal...
POOF!!! problem solved...
Bylaws for president would not allow me to miss any meeting. BOD is doing the best to be Non profit org. You and Ghazni are both talented. Why would anyone want to pass up the opportunity of good help?
Chuck told me that there is no sure way to prove a accurate count with online election.
I still beleive this such a awesome place or the views would not be so high on here.
I do think people are turning away from soap operas as of late to watch the excitement. :lol: I am joking. I just do not want people to walk away.
So how in the world can you make everyone happy, build that good spirit with everyone,meanwhile enjoy a cool family oriented hobby?;)

I say working together to build the best bridge with what has been already established. Bring on the Brats, fish tanks, fish, new corals, new equipment, Sponsors and LFS working together, and educators, but do not forget the smiles.
Smiles do a lot, they sometimes open doors. I like those doors open.
I have seen many smiles in the short time I have been here. I hate to lose a single one. I ask you to keep those threads positive, enjoyable, and enlightening for those that want to follow.
and besides, with my suggestion, you still get the benifit of both gazni's continued support on the bod, as well as mine.
you obviously have a talent for working with people ed, i suggest we utilize it, and look the other way when considering that you might not be present at every meeting. show me a psas president who showed up to every meeting...:idea: we always just made sure that several people from the bod were present at every meeting, there's no big deal about spreading around the responsability of presence.

...not that i dont want to be president, i do! but were talkng about what's best for the club, sponsors, bod, and members...

the vote was a tie, and there were probably more voters than ever who obviously have very strong feelings about who to vote for and why (thanks, by the way!!! :)) but in my mind, it's a stalemate, and im forced to consider that your lack of prescence at every meeting is really a nominal consideration compared to the clubs need for the vp to just step up to prez for 7 months, as you said, the club is doing fine, and the next 2 months are already taken care of, ghazni and i can go at it again in may if we want, with whoever else has the balls to compete...:rolleyes:

besides, show me a sponsor or member who wouldnt rather see your happy little head as the face of psas...:)
now where's that gif of ed's head on a street dancer doin' the shimmy???
i know someone has
I understand the concern over dragging this on but the next meeting is only a little over a week away. The BOD would not be getting together to do a secret ballot vote until that meeting. So either BOD vote or re-vote at the meeting will be a little over a week out. As Ed mentioned the BOD has been moving along and with meetings planned for the next few months and the group working together well there is no problem for us with a delay. We just want to ensure the members are as happy with the final outcome as possible.

As far a the suggestion Ed move up and we fill from the bottom, the BOD discussed that idea prior to starting the whole election thing. I respect Eds reasons for not choosing to make that move.