And the Presidential decision is . . . . .

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OK, trying to get back on track here:)

By my count do far (please correct me if I am wrong, some were hard to tell if they were definitive choices):

Board of Directors secret ballot vote: 2
Secret ballot re-vote at the next meeting: 1
Nominees become Co-presidents: 1

jnarowe I haven't counted your vote yet because I am not clear on whether you made a choice or were just discussing the options.

I think it would be easiest if we stick with these choices and pick one. A lot of ideas were tossed around both by members and the BOD this is the list we narrowed it down to.

Personally I liked the dance off idea, last man standing . . .but that did not make the list:cry:
I didn't realize we were voting on the method to vote. That's funny stuff, but a Dance Off? That is a sweet idea. And we could do THAT at the next meeting. That would rock. So would some margaritas. A triple margarita and a dance off would really make for a memorable meeting. Tickets will be $5 at the door. :eek:
Actually Kris, it was 2 votes for the co-president option, myself and Ed Hahn both picked that one.
or a sing off karaoke style..??
what would Kevin Bacon do"
Academic Triathlon!

You guys and gals are making my face hurt from smiling. Im very glad everyone is having fun. This is the kind of light hearted attitude our club needs.

BUT, get serious now! We need to come up with a definitate answer....

and as much as I love margaritas, at a meeting with voting, we will likely only end up with a bunch of hugging, crying, and "I love you man" comments. :lol:
I'm not a member, but have been following this well as related threads. I also haven't read the By Laws, but it would seem to me that maybe the by laws outline how this situation should be resolved. Another thing that crossed my mind, at a club meeting, if a re-vote is to take place, do the by laws state any rules for said vote? I only ask because a lot of "by laws" specify that a certain percentage of members be present before a vote can even take place.

IF I were a member, I'd go along with any of the 3 ideas suggested so far: Co-presidents, BOD vote, or member re-vote. Has anyone asked the two nominees if they'd be willing to be Co-presidents?
Geeze Louise......I stopped this thread in its tracks. Sorry to be the party pooper.

BTW, Does anyone know where the other 60 members are that voted? I guess we better go round up our friends an fill them in on the latest..... :rolleyes:
I'm not a member, but have been following this well as related threads. I also haven't read the By Laws, but it would seem to me that maybe the by laws outline how this situation should be resolved.

Unfortunatley, the By-laws...... or charter as we are going to call them are in the works and arent finalized. Issues like this though, while sometimes controversial and time consuming, do help us to develop the guidlines in the charter that are based on what the club members want.
I'd say the BOD votes, since an entire re-vote would take forever and may well come up again tied or at least very, very close. However, on the VP idea, I've heard Mr. Hahn is a good leader so having the VP step up as full-on P is quite feasible, IF it's something he's willing to do. But what if the BOD votes and it comes up as a tie? BOD re-vote? :D
But what if the BOD votes and it comes up as a tie? BOD re-vote? :D

There are currently six BOD members. Since Ghazni cant vote there can be no tie if the BOD is asked to make the final desicion. Ed has already stated that he didnt vote because he feels that he would like both candidates to win. I can also say, I would rather not be put into the position of making the final desicion. I like both candidates very much. They both have qualities this club could use.. I surley will vote with the other four BOD's if everyone asks me to. Its the job I volunteered for. Like it or not. :(

Cwby416 said:
Actually Ed, the PSAS has no Bylaws.....

Weve been very busy in the last few months. There is a draft that is almost finalized. Its been put on the back burner with all of the debating, etc. lately
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