Anemone Bleaching ?

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In terms of propagation I am talking about cutting them in half with a knife. My plans are to condition the anemone for a minimum of 3 months and then cut away. I hope to get to a point where I will be able to frag the anemone every 2-3 weeks.

I do agree that spliting can be a response to stress and everything you have mentioned seems to make sense.
:eek: Your going to take a knife to an anemone??? is this possible?? man that makes me think of my dog when he got um err ah:(
Yes fragging anemones is very much possible and actually quite easy. A filet knife right down the center. The key is to do a quick cut with a sharp blade no sawing action. A healthy, well fed anemone will be able to be cut every 2-3 weeks and recover a majority of its biomass in that time. I am trying to make an impact on cutting back on wild caught anemones. My goal is to practice with this anemone (dull brown) and once I get the technique down get some top notch colorful anemones to propagate. Who knows when this anemone colors up it might have great coloration.
Welcome to RF Tantricreef!!

Very interested in how this propagation technique works out. I'm not about to take a knife to my anemone, but my friend may urge me to do so if this works out well.

Also, I saw PaulB post either here or on RC that more than once a week is a bit much as most of the food may end up rotting inside the guy instead of it being digested and utilized. So although the idea to make up for the lack of light ( well, lack of energy from zoox ) by feeding it more makes sense, not sure if the anemone's digestive system is up to par to handle that. I'd like to hear some thoughts from others on that as well.

Can we see some pictures of this fella?

He dont look like this guy by chance?

Yes, my anemone looks a lot like that just a darker brown. The tips are only starting to look like your anemone.

By the way good looking anemone :D
Thanks GLOO, do you use those bubl tips for pacifiers for the young un lol, beautiful anemone( put down the knife and back away) sorry long day and Im silly
Shadofax, I am glad you are willing to try propagating anemones. I am all for aquaculturing these beautiful animals so that they do not have to be collected from the wild. I would love to frag my blue carpet but I am still too chicken to do it. I will keep reading your thread to see how it goes. Good luck! :)
you cant expect to get any of the natural suns rays in your tank from a window, windows are designed to block a big majority of the rays from even getting in the house, windows have argon which is an insulated gas between the panes and most importantly the glass is glazed with Low E which is a sunscreen so to say. it is like haveing your anemone under a light with strong tinting under it..

i think the problem you experienced was a response to a sudden change (lighting) and although it might survive in low light it is not its natural environment and this leads me to conclude its better for the animal to be in high light. also you should only feed the anemone 2 or 3 times a week at most. your propogation method is fine but i would get the anemone better lighting and i think it will pay off with more frequent propegation and faster recovery time. in the last month three of my rbta's have split on their own.
shadowfax - how's the anemone doing now? I think when Anthony was talking about using natural light in our part of the country, he was referring to the glass of a greenhouse.