Anemone color

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In the second chamber aka middle one it has bioballs, which would be removed in place of the skimmer
I'd remove the bio-balls now, as they are more than likely contributing to your nitrate issue. Also make sure any media you have in there is completely submerged. If it's not essentially going to continue to act a like a wet/dry filter.

I'd also remove the blue sponge looking thing also or keep it very clean. This is something else that traps detritus and will contribute to water problems.

The filters they put in these tanks are great for fish only type tanks since fish can handle higher levels of nitrates. But there not designed for reef tanks where nitrates are a issue. Your primary filtration is going to be handled by the LR in the tank.
I have nothing to replace the bioballs with ATM and I cant stand the waterfall sound so i'll wait till I get the skimmer, I'm ordering it tonight :) and I just cleaned the blue sponge a day ago. My media is submerged it just doesn't look like it in the picture.
First of all, thanks Joker for listening to the advice that people are giving and trying to figure out a way to make it work. It can be frustrating when everyone's yelling at you. There's been a post or two from people who almost sound like they want you to fail. Most of us, however, want you to succeed in the long run. No matter what happens with this anemone, all the changes you're looking at making will make your reef better in the long run.

Okay, so I'd agree that until the skimmer comes, go ahead and remove your bio-balls. Don't do it all at once, but maybe 1/4 every few days. Your live rock provides MUCH more surface area for filtering bacteria and also provides places in the crevices for anaerobic zones to convert nitrates to nitrogen gas. The bioballs don't do this, and trap detritus so the ammonia and nitrites get reduced, but they produce a LOT of nitrates with no way of handling them. This is why they are referred to as nitrate factories.

Gently blowing detritus out of the rocks, then siphoning will also help reduce nitrates.

Then, of course, regular large water changes will directly remove the nitrates and detritus. Especially while you're stabilizing the system, a bag of carbon thrown in the back and changed every week would help a lot also.

Good luck!

The best thing you could do right now. Is water change and export those Nitrates out as much as possible. Just make sure you match Temp, Ph etc. for the fresh SW.

To help with the water fall sound maybe place some bonded filter media in there to suppress the splashing some or something else to help divert the water for just falling over the partition. Might have to get a little creative.
First of all, thanks Joker for listening to the advice that people are giving and trying to figure out a way to make it work. It can be frustrating when everyone's yelling at you. There's been a post or two from people who almost sound like they want you to fail. Most of us, however, want you to succeed in the long run. No matter what happens with this anemone, all the changes you're looking at making will make your reef better in the long run.

Spot on. I was one of the few that have posted a few comments out of frustration, but as you can see I'm still here trying to help as much as I can. As Nikki posted (I think it was Nikki), we're all very passionate about this hobby and trying to help others as much as we can succeed.

I could be doing something else with my time instead of setting behind this computer. But it would only lead my to doing something with my tank. :)
Im at the sump idea still joker....

your tanks not that small... you could eazly setup a small 10 Or even 5 gallon tank for a filtration... Probably what your paying for that skimmer......

I would really consiter the Aqua c remora.... I know its a bit more. but i think your gonna end up saveing in money in the (not 2) Long run.

also the bioballs and all that stuff is probably dirty in there (back compartment) you might wanna start removeing that stuff slowly...

how much LR u got in there? and sand/no sand?
Thanks don't know how frustrated and stressed I am right now....battling girl issues, working out 5 days a week to gain a baseball scholarship and this too. For those of you who have encouraged (NaH20, James, Josh, Leebca, couple others I forgot) thank you. I have around 28 pounds of live rock give or take because whenever I get new corals a bit more is always added. I have 30 pounds of live sand also. And burning2nd I cleaned all the bioballs out a couple weeks ago and it would still be very hard to setup a sump because it's a biocube so i'd have nowhere to run an overflow down or anything of the sort.
Thanks don't know how frustrated and stressed I am right now

Listen, you're talking to someone who has lost several tank set-ups with all livestock and live rock over the years, so like others have said it's a humbling hobby. We've all made mistakes over the years, haven't listened to good advice and killed animals. It's truly awful to lose a tank full of life. I still feel guilty! :(

So, we're trying to get you on the right track. Part of that is buying good equipment. Part of that is good habits.

I don't know what to tell you about the sump. They're great, but sometimes don't work out with these all-in-one's. I see you've done some modding, so I know that you could find out how others have added chaeto in the back compartments. Check that out. In the meantime, how are the water changes going?

Well I had planned on getting 5 gallons of distilled water to do some changes tonight but couldn't make it to the store, but i've done 2 water changes in the past 3 days of 10% or so...1 gallon each time(may seem like not alot but with alot of live rock and sand etc. there isn't alot of water volume). My mods were just to prevent fish killing themselves and to increase flow into the 2nd chamber. I know how to setup a fuge in it, there's black tape on the back that I could peel off and set a light there in the 2nd chamber. So if possible could I run a skimmer/fuge in the 2nd chamber?