Anemone feeding

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Jan 7, 2014
Bonney Lake, WA
I have an RBTA and a Condy there are doing great and eating like champs. My questions is I have read that feeding silversides is not good and I've read that it is good. I been feeding 1 silverside a week to both of them. They seem fine and chow them down instantly should I stop feeding these to them. I've also done krill as well.
I feed all my nems SS's and Mysis...they are all healthy.


I have an RBTA and a Condy there are doing great and eating like champs. My questions is I have read that feeding silversides is not good and I've read that it is good. I been feeding 1 silverside a week to both of them. They seem fine and chow them down instantly should I stop feeding these to them. I've also done krill as well.
As a relatively new reefer I've been paying an inordinate amount of attention to the details of things and have DEFINATELY noticed a marked increase in growth in the RBTA I feed SS's and the one leave alone.


I haven't directly tried to feed a anemone in my tank for many years.
Since my anemone can stretch up to 2' in dia. I'm not worried about growth.
I know that the symbiotic algae in the anemones tissue will always provide it with food, as long as it has a good light source.