Anemone ID please

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Southern Ca.
Does anyone know what this is? it is about 1 inch big (wide and tall). It opens only in low light and at night right now. It was on a piece of live rock I got a couple of days ago. It's that little pink thing in the middle.


Thanks in advance,
I hope it is one of those.

Do you think that it is just not used to light and that is why it stays tightly closed? It almost looks like a baby RBTA. The first day the foot was quite spread out in it's "cave/niche" it has however drawn up tightly and seems to have dug deeper into the rock. I only have 96w PC 50/50 right now and all I see with the lights on is a very pretty rose pink foot and short tube.

Does anyone think I should move it to shade...can't really see this much light hurting it even if it is not used to it. The tenacles are very well er :oops: bubble shaped from top to bottom. Not just the tips. :confused:

All ideas welcome. I can't believe it could be a "good" anemone! But I can hope. :)


55gal. 96w pc 50/50 700gph through closed loop. cpr backpack skimmer, cheato in hang on fuge. 35 lbs. "live" live rock 25 lbs other. 2nd powerhead 400gph for extra flow.
Hey debbie...I'm not an anemone expert by far, but how was he acclimated? He could just need adjusting. Also, where lighting is concerned, they will move to the place in the tank that suites them best so it really doesn't make any sense to move him from where he is otherwise, he may just move back. Somethings to take into consideration is flow in the tank (is there enough for him) and also water quality as I think they like/need pretty clean water. Just a few thoughts:)
Hi Debbie, this hobby is all about hope. Where did you get the rock, did they have a RBTA in the tank? If it came from florida, probably a condy. Either way, sounds fun. No reason to lessen the light, most prefer illumination and it might just be shy from stress. Keep us informed and best of luck!
i don't think that the light is enough to hurt it, i have a similar problem with an anemone in my 65g with 3 pc 96w bulbs. this thing is near the middle to top part of my tank and seems to be spread out.
this is what my mystery anemone looks like, anyone know what it may be?
i've looked all over a ton of sites and couldn't find anything
Hi Debbie, this hobby is all about hope. Where did you get the rock, did they have a RBTA in the tank? If it came from florida, probably a condy. Either way, sounds fun. No reason to lessen the light, most prefer illumination and it might just be shy from stress. Keep us informed and best of luck!

Strangely it was on a rock that was just in the live rock bin. There was good water flow but not strong and no special lighting. The lfs where I got it cures some of their good stuff in the back when they get a shipment in and they cure some out front in the store the first piece I got which has many similarities I was told came from Tonga. They got a shipment of 3 kinds in 2 months ago. Deep water, slab and branch. I was told the shipment was out of the water for 10 hrs.during the flight then picked up at LAX and was back in RO/DI mix at the lfs same day. STill I waited 2 weeks to get 1st piece.It was WAY FRESH! I think this piece is from the same shipment but has been curing unseen until the day I went in.(hehe I go look almost every day). So I think it is from the pacific. Will post a couple more pic. soon. And keep you updated.
:oops: I brought it home without it ever being out of the water but it was only in the bag for 10 min. in my tank soooooooo did not aclimate really. Added water in only about 15 min.

Sorry for the long post. My water is not really ready for an anemone but got it as a hitchiker just paying for the lr. I got so nervous I was afraid to leave it in the bag.:shock:

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Steve, not so sure it is Epicystis crucifer aka flower anemone. A larger picture would help some. I have 3 Flower Anemones in the sand of my main tank (I know, I shouldn't). Their tentacles are very pointed and they tend to flatten out into a disk even when in the rocks. Additionally, they are variegated in coloration from grays to deep green for a well lit one. Debbie's anemone's tentacles looks rounded, translucent, and uniform in coloration. OMHO

Thumbnail is one of mine
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The picture in your link is not an Epicystis crucifer, more closely resembling (if not in fact) a Heteractis aurora. As far as color, has little if anything to do with identification.

When did Debbie post a picture of the anemones oral disc?
The picture in your link is not an Epicystis crucifer,
Correct that, I should say there is not enough visual properties showing to conclusively say it's Epicystis crucifer.

The picture in your link is not should read ....The picture in your link is might be Epicystis crucifer but is just as likely to be....
I also added a picture of mine to my prevous post.
Could easily be Epicystis (cf.) crucifer

In her first post is her little picture. Are these pictures the anemone you have in mind?
Compare to her picture and you can see why I am not so sure they are the same. Do enjoy these puzzles though.
Unless I'm missing something, the only pic posted by Debbie is in the original post?
Couldn't get a different shot


The mouth looked like the same tissue as the tentacles but of course going towards the center. It was pretty. Last night or maybe was the night before. The little guy was on the move. went to the top of the rock towards more water flow. Checked again just before dawn and he was nowhere to be found. Boo hoo :( . Can't find any part. Nitrates were the same before and after the disappearence. There are some deep caves in that rock and another one I have but I am pretty sure the critter is gone. But......I found something else new. Maybe a tunicate? or sea squirt. It is brown. Comes out of a little cave puffs up and spits out a stream of tiny, tiny bubbles then goes back in so I haven't gotten a pic. yet. It seems to be very agile. Any guesses anyone?

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The anemone move up to the part of rock right in front of my tang before M.I.A.
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moved to top of rock in front of tang before M.I.A. Wish I had a better pic.
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It's back!

:p My critter's back out! Yea! Definately likes the dark. Looks pretty good but still can't get a good pic from above. I can take the pictures but my husband has to set up the good camera. I don't think he would like it if I dropped his digital back in the tank and I need to get a shot from above.:shock:
