Anemone looking bad :(

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it seems like the anemone is bigger then it was i mean its more open now.

One of the things Anthony spoke about when he was here is the fact that sometimes we think our corals and nems are doing great and growing when actually they are starving reaching out further looking for food.

One of the best things was him validating my nurturing tendencies to feed feed feed!:D I just do bigger weekly water changes than what we were doing.
Once every three days is not nearly enough for this anemone, especially if it is already looking poorly. For now I'd say up the feeding to AT LEAST once daily, and change your food to include a bit of Selcon and some tiny foods like rotifers, cyclop-eeze, or some other zooplankton substitute. The poor guy is hungry! Sufficient feeding will do wonders.
IMO, feeding more will help, although it'll only be a temporary "Band-Aide" until you're able to upgrade your lighting. Anemone get their energy from light and from food, with light being more important, IMO. While the lighting is inadequate, you can supplement with more feedings to increase that energy source.


so you think im not feeding him enough??? and another question when i first got him he was white with green/pink tips now he is brown with light color tips. Not to sound like an a#$% to you guys but dont see the difference in color from the first pic to the second pic???

Okay...there are some great intentions here, but bad info...for this situation.

1st....the anemone was bleached in the first pic.
It has since gained back its zooxanthellae and has turned darker brown. This is in fact good. It was not healthy when you bought it. It is getting healthy now. Dont stop what you are doing, its working just fine.
I think you confused people by using the phrase lost all of its color. If I'm looking at the pics correctly, (meaning you posted them in the order you took them, the first pic posted is when you first bought the anemone, and the 2nd pic posted is very recently), then its gotten healthier since you've had it.

BTA's can be kept under PC's. If the anemone has not moeved, it is happy. BTA's will wander more than any other IME...My Ritteri anemone doesnt wander nearly as much as my RBTA did.

One of the things Anthony spoke about when he was here is the fact that sometimes we think our corals and nems are doing great and growing when actually they are starving reaching out further looking for food.

This is true. However, thats not whats happening here. the anemone is not "panning" for light. If it was, it would be stretching towards the light as much as possible, after it moved up to the highest point under the lights. It would also be wide open....much more than it is currently.

Ideally, you should increase your lighting if you're going to keep anemone's, however, since yours was so bleached, this was good environment for it to recover in. Too much light while bleached would be harmful, and it would hide. But in case, I would leave it alone for right now. If anything, I would spend the money on a bigger tank for a more stable tank for the anemone.

You can hit the link in my signature line and read through the RF Resource Library to actually read up on anemones...I know there are lots of good articles there...

I do not suggest feeding more or less than you have been. The anemone is doing just fine. Keep up the good work, and please keep us posted on its health.

brady - I don't know about the anemone's tips in the second picture, but the overall color looks better to me in the second picture. The first picture the anemone appears to be bleached out, IMO. I'll tag along to see what Anthony has to say....

Nick, I'm thankful that someone else saw what I saw - with the color difference. I thought the anemone's color looked better in the second picture (which I assumed is the more recent based on the initial post). The anemone looked healthier to me.
I saw it too. Yes it was somewhat bleached and it has regained its zooxanthellae,which is good, but the slight lack of density in its "tentacles" tells be that the anemone is still hungry. Maybe that occurred after bleaching and they will thicken up now that it has more zooxanthellae to feed on. Supplemental feedings will still be beneficial. I agree with Nick's post 100%. Especially the part about a larger tank/stable environment

FWIW, IME, (unlike rose BTAs) green BTAs (like the one in question) often run and hide from direct halide lighting, and PC/VHO can be plenty for the greens.

(awesome clowns BTW, Can I ask where you got them? Is Inland Aquatics a safe bet?)
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thank you everyone for the input. i should of done more research on the colors of the anemone before making the purchase. i will keep doing what i have been and i will keep you all updated...

Can i ask where you got the clowns yes you are right
I knew that I recognized those clowns :D. If I remember correctly, they are about 9-10 months old.

You are lucky to have one Inland Aquatics near by. Great Place!
It has been a few years since I have been there but Inland Aquatics is probably my favorite shop that I have ever been to, and I have been around awhile :).

Yes, those clowns came from my pair. My pair originally came from Inland 8-10 years ago.
I have a very similar looking BTA, that is very faint in coloration, although it has been doing very very well. However, my anemone has never had thin tentacles for any pro-longed periods, as the sexy shrimp are usually the ones that cause this to occur.

The tentacles being thin I have gathered is due to lack of light, but can feeding the anemones really compensate for that?

I ask this since I have never ever fed my anemone, except for the few times that I can count on one hand when a mysis happened to land on it. ..And last month when it had itself a $30 meal on my goby. But I do have it under a 250 MH ( 10k ).

I am wondering if it will color up if I were to feed it.

I have a very similar looking BTA, that is very faint in coloration, although it has been doing very very well. However, my anemone has never had thin tentacles for any pro-longed periods, as the sexy shrimp are usually the ones that cause this to occur.

The tentacles being thin I have gathered is due to lack of light, but can feeding the anemones really compensate for that?

I don't think any of that is true, about the thin tentacles being due to lack of light, or some involvement by shrimp. What I have read is that the bubbles appear when the anemone is in a defensive mode for some reason. The non-bubbled tentacles don't indicate anything negative.

I am wondering if it will color up if I were to feed it.
It's worth a try and certainly couldn't hurt, as long as you keep the particle size of the food small (easy to digest, such as cyclopeeze or mysis shrimp).