Anemone on DSB

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Italian Reefkeeper
Nov 3, 2005
Ciao to all!! :)
How much could be dangerous an anemone on the DSB?
I have 4,8" white sand bed in Aragamax/Ocean Direct.
I would like take an anemone for sand bed but I have fear that it can provoke damages with its foot (hydrogen sulfide release).
Some experience? Which species?
Tanks ;)
My experience with anemone's is that they will go where they want to in the tank and not exactly where you want them to go. So say for instance if you place it on the sandbed, if he's not comfortable there, he will move. Just a thought :)
Agreed...most of them will find their way up onto the rocks anyway...

I agree with the threads above. I have a rose anemone which wonders around the tank and causes more headache then I wanted. He likes to hangout right next to my Colt tree. Even though they are gorgeous animals I would think about the hassle that comes along with them. Oh and yeah I woke up yesterday to see that I now have two huge rose anemones. (SIGH)
They like to split. I have had mine for about 14 months and well lets just say there has been alot of coral repositioning.
I don't care if Anemone will go around the tank, I want know if it can cause damages if dig in the sand. To ding in the sand is too dangerous for hydrogen sulfide release, if you have an DSB.
Many thanks :)
I doubt an anemone would distrub the DSB enough for that to be a problem.

I agree with Mike. Also, I don't think it will sit on the sand bed long anough to cause any problems anyways. I don't think I've ever seen an anemone in the wild here sitting on the sea floor :)
i have an anemone in my tank and it sit on the sand bed..
sometimes it moves.. but usually it's on the sand.. and it's 4 years old now.. but never saw troubles.. (i have it in a small tank connected to the main one.. so it's using the main tank sump for filter and the main tank DSB to live..)
there are anemones that prefer the rocks (H.mag, E.quad, etc..) and anemones that prefer the sand (M.doreensis, S.hadoni, etc..) and a few that will do both ( H.crispa, etc). If your mag or BTA (e.quad) is in the sand bed, you can be assured that the anemone is in bad shape and wont be around that long. If you have an S,hadoni, or m.doreensis and they are climbing the rock, you can be sure that something is not suitable in your tank for that anemone .. Usually not enough lighting.

If you are looking to get a sand anemone, they shouldnt pose any threat to your sand bed.