anemone question

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Sep 21, 2007
poulsbo wa
Hi, my anemone is turning brown. What could that be? My ammonia went up to about 0.50 so I did a water change and it is back bown. Is that why my anemone is a slight brown and will it go back to white now that the ammonia is down? What else can I do? Is there something I can put in the water or should I just do a lot of water changes for now? Just to give more info, I have a bio cube 29 (with only the equipment it came with). Lights have been on for 11-12 hours a day (true actinic 03 blue and a 10,000k daylight). I have a tang, foxface, and a clown. The tang and foxface are on the smaller side. I also have 3 pieces of coral all are doing great, but one. The foxface has nibbled on it. So I have more questions than one, but how do I get him to stop or what can do? Should I feed more or feed a different diet? I feed then formula 2 flakes one time a day and small krill every other day (for the anemone) and green marine algae every other day.
Its getting healthy! A white anemone is an unhealthy anemone. It has expelled its zooxanthellae. Congrats!

Can't help you with your other questions.
Poor water parameters, shipping stress, poor collection, not the correct lighting, not properly acclimated, etc.
There are probably alot of white anemones in stores because they haven't been at the store long, have most likely been shipped at least twice within a month, and are white from being stressed. There are a couple species though like local plumose anemones, that aren't photosynthetic and are white because they don't have xoozanthellae. Most tropical species rely partially on photosyntheis and are therefore colored.

~ Steve
So how does he look, he is getting smaller and has black on its tips. What can I do to help or is this normal. I put him in a new tank with better lights and less fish I thought this might help. I try to feed him but he spits it out
He is slowly starving, what are you feeding and what sized portions? It is probably regurgitating because it can not digest the food.
I feed him krill I trided it cut up and not as you can see in the photo. he does not even put it in his mouth. what would you feed and how would you do it. how much and when ( time of day ).
I feed him krill I trided it cut up and not as you can see in the photo. he does not even put it in his mouth. what would you feed and how would you do it. how much and when ( time of day ).

If it is not accepting the krill, I would try something else. Silversides or mysis shrimp may work. I would not feed anything larger than 1/8" inch until it starts to recover. Try feeding it every day for now. Just once a day. When it recovers try 1/4" portions, 2 - 3 times a week.
I gave him some silverside (cut in two) put it right in his mouth and he seemed to eat so I put the rest in his mouth and he spit them both out. Now there is some slime in the water by him.
Dont overdue it more food isnt better it can be worse. It take a long time for an anemomne
to starve. It will spit it off if it finds it is not palatable or if it overwhelmed. More precision less blunt force.
I too overfed mine in the beginning and he would regurgetate it. Now, I give him about 1/4 of a silverslide about twice a week and I occasionally squirt some mysis his way while I'm feeding the fish. Now he enjoys feeding time!!!
sorry, mike (fishy) is correct. You can also try omega brand marine flake food. That is if you already have one. I dont recommend you buying it for anemonie. But if you have lots of fish, then thats an extra bonus. You can buy them from local petstores or any big box stores likes petsmart or petco.
so I made a silverside smoothie and used a syringe to put it in his mouth. he spit it out but some stuck half in and half out. I thought he was going to pull it back in and eat it but he did not it stayed that way for a bit. I saw that his foot was coming of the rock so I pulled the food out and now his mouth is opened and his foot is still coming of the rock ( is he a gonner). to answer fishy I have live rock about 1 pound per gallon, water flow is good, over the side filter and 2 50-50 coralife lights 10,oook daylight and actinic 03 blue each.
How much lighting (in wattage) do you have on that tank Dan? This is something I forgot to ask you today. Anemones by and large need pretty strong lighting to survive.