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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2011
Orting WA
Hi I have two red bubble Anemones one is doing great other them always moving around my tank & one that looks almost dead :( I really thought it was dead & then there it is in a different place under a rock that is stacked on top of too other rocks to make a cave. But it is still not doing good & it will not even let the clowns that have been hosting in it for a year now in. Should I try to feed it anything ???
Am I to understand from your other post, that this tank was set up for a while and recenty moved? You have had it for a month now?
It is possible that the tank has gone thru a small cycle from the move and the anemone is not handling it well. Have you checked your parameters? Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH?
Yes I have had it up a little over a month now. It was a running tank before I got it. My PH is 8.4 right now... I can't do any other checks but did have it all checked last week when I thought the red Anemone died & every thing was good. I ordered a test kit & it should be here on the 2nd :) I just dont get how one can be doing so well & the otherone not ? All the other live stock is doing great & growing like crazy. I have some soft corals. mushrooms & Kenya Tree's that are almost two time biger then they were a week ago ???
animals are individuals, just like people. It may have been stressed from the move. I would let it go where it wants to and let it settle in. I would also try feeding it small pieces of table shrimp every other day. Anemones live on the Zooanthellae. Sometimes when they are stressed they expell this and it takes just the right conditions to bring them back to health. You dont by chance have a quarantine tank do you? One that has not been treated with copper!
If you do have another tank, you might move it with a small piece of live rock to the small tank to try to bring it back to health. Use water from the current tank and a small amount of new water.
Here is a great site for learning about BTA's.

It will be helpful too, when you are able to post pics, that you post a couple pics of it.
fwiw, when a anemone begins to split, it looks grey in color and looks like it is dying....this may be what you are seeing, but would need to see a pic to confirm.
Here are pics of the anemone's
The first one is a little bleached out. It should get its health back easily. I would feed it regularly table shrimp, mysis shrimp and silversides and supply good lighting.


This one, I'm not sure of. It looks like its still doing good, but its color is not right! I would guess that NC2WA might have the answer to this one.


Well I sure hope that's what is going on she 9" or 10" and looked great after the move & then just started staying closed all the time & then got real small. & when I thought she was dead & pick up the Rock she was in she was gone & two days later here she is in the shade under another rock a lot bigger but very grey :(
Thank you so much for posting my pics :) the pink one has always looked this way but is always moving around the tank. It will find a spot for about 3 or 4 days then move again...

Here are pics of the anemone's
The first one is a little bleached out. It should get its health back easily. I would feed it regularly table shrimp, mysis shrimp and silversides and supply good lighting.


This one, I'm not sure of. It looks like its still doing good, but its color is not right! I would guess that NC2WA might have the answer to this one.


how much flow is in the tank?

if the anemone is moving every 3-4 days, then it is not happy which can be caused by too much flow...for the grey anemones, can u see the mouth of the anemone? if one is there, then i would make sure it is getting plenty of light and food; if u dont see a mouth, then it is getting ready to NOT feed it until it splits.
I think there are to mouths now ? there are two slits/mouths I am trying to get a pic but the Clowns keep getting in the way :( Do they really split down the center ?

how much flow is in the tank?

if the anemone is moving every 3-4 days, then it is not happy which can be caused by too much flow...for the grey anemones, can u see the mouth of the anemone? if one is there, then i would make sure it is getting plenty of light and food; if u dont see a mouth, then it is getting ready to NOT feed it until it splits.
I do have two Rena XP3 running & a maxi-jet 1200 as a circulation pump. Is this to much flow ? I was thing I needed another circulation pump. Good thing I have not put it in yet :) This is a 75 gallon tank. I know two XP3 are a bit much but was thinking you cant have to much filtering

how much flow is in the tank?

if the anemone is moving every 3-4 days, then it is not happy which can be caused by too much flow...for the grey anemones, can u see the mouth of the anemone? if one is there, then i would make sure it is getting plenty of light and food; if u dont see a mouth, then it is getting ready to NOT feed it until it splits.
well, two mouths, means it is lorrie says, yes, they split at the mouths..sorta like mitosis....

and you prolly didnt think you would get a biology lesson....but it is the only analogy I could come up with...LOL..
Neither of those anemones is healthy.
The pink one is bleached out and should be fed regularly until it can rebuild its zooxanthellae population. It will darken up when this has happened.
Dont feed too much since uneaten food will be regurgitated and will foul the aquarium.

I would suggest removing both of the anemones from the display and placing them into a mesh basket or breeders net. The pink one can be closer to the light, but should not be anywhere near the most intense light. Its already bleached and more intense lighting will cause it to bleach more.

Put it towards the back of the tank, under less direct lighting and let its behaviour tell you that it wants more light.

The grey one will die if you dont do something. It needs to be in light but as far away from direct lighting as possible for the same reasons as listed above.

You want to separate both anemones from the clown fish as they will steal food from the anemone and will cause it to expend energy by trapping food and drawing it towards its mouth only to lose the food and the energy expended trying to get it. This can and will kill and weak unhealthy anemone.

Anemones will move to find their ideal location. BTA's dont like alot of flow. They will wander looking for the right mix of lower flow with good lighting until they find it or die.

BTA's will split when stressed. Its a defense mechanism and isnt the good thing its portrayed as.

Click the link in my signature for more anemone articles and information.

Thanks Nick I am going to my LFS to pick up two breeders net's. Is there any special food I should asks for fore them ??? I will also pick up some shrimp too feed them :) Thanks again Nick...

Neither of those anemones is healthy.
The pink one is bleached out and should be fed regularly until it can rebuild its zooxanthellae population. It will darken up when this has happened.
Dont feed too much since uneaten food will be regurgitated and will foul the aquarium.

I would suggest removing both of the anemones from the display and placing them into a mesh basket or breeders net. The pink one can be closer to the light, but should not be anywhere near the most intense light. Its already bleached and more intense lighting will cause it to bleach more.

Put it towards the back of the tank, under less direct lighting and let its behaviour tell you that it wants more light.

The grey one will die if you dont do something. It needs to be in light but as far away from direct lighting as possible for the same reasons as listed above.

You want to separate both anemones from the clown fish as they will steal food from the anemone and will cause it to expend energy by trapping food and drawing it towards its mouth only to lose the food and the energy expended trying to get it. This can and will kill and weak unhealthy anemone.

Anemones will move to find their ideal location. BTA's dont like alot of flow. They will wander looking for the right mix of lower flow with good lighting until they find it or die.

BTA's will split when stressed. Its a defense mechanism and isnt the good thing its portrayed as.

Click the link in my signature for more anemone articles and information.

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I would stick with whole foods like raw, shrimp,(peeled and torn into small chunks), or raw scallop torn into small strips. Start small and when you see the anemones taking it in and keeping it in, you can begin to feed bigger pieces of food.

The pink one should be easier to get back to full health. The grey one might not make it.

I would start off feeding the pink every two days with a piece of food no larger than its mouth. Once you're sure its taken the food and keeping it down you can begin to make the pieces larger.

With the grey one, you're going to need to feed it very tiny pieces of food, I would start out with 1/4 the size of the mouth with it. Do not expect a rapid feeding response. It will probably take 30 mins to an hour for it take the food in. Be patient. Keep the clowns away from them until they're healthy.

Keep us posted.

Im with Maxx. The anemones are not healthy. Check the spectrum of your light. Too much blue and you are lacking on the red/yellow side. Well thats what I experience anyways. Hope it goes back to its health.