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flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
Well i finally was able to get some pictures in the computer and so i wanted to show you my anemone.
i believe its a long tentacle, when i first got it, it was bleached and after 2 months and a half it has gain some color.
This morning i woke up and i saw that my anemone moved to the back of the rock where it was.
i have read that its normal for them to move and that sometimes they hide.
Now, in this couple of weeks i've added 2 powerheads and i was wondering if that's the reason why it moved because before i only had 1 and so all of a sudden i have 3 :p .
Nice anemone Gabriela. I had an anemone in my old setup and it moved also. From what I understand they have a preferance to lighting conditions and water flow. So that's why he probably moved, but IMO all anemones aren't the same just like fish within their one species aren't all the same (individuality). What I mean by that is you could have clownfish that will make an anemone it's home, but I had a tank full of about 8 different clowns and could never get any of them to go near it...and they are supposed to love um.
If it hadn't moved until you added new powerheads, that is likely the culprit. Doesn't mean he won't come out again. Also, they will hide before splitting. If your lights aren't on timers and you alter the photoperiod any, they will move. Like Krish said, they do have their own personalities. Do you have a clown that hosts in it?

Thank you Krish and jenny
ya, my clowns won't even go near it :( .
About the lighting i have MH and well now strong flow hehe :p .
I really hope it doesn't move to much because otherwise i don't know how am i gonna move all my corals around :eek:

What kind of clowns do you have?

Also, doesnt look like an LTA to me, because they usually (caveat) don't attach to rocks. I can't really tell from the picture, are the foot and the head the same color?

i have 2 false percs. and no the foot is kind of like a very light peach color/pastel pink and the tentacles are more like a brown sort of color.
now the foot was between the sand and rock, but now i can't see if it is on the rock or on the sand because my lights haven't come up yet.
My research shows that ocellaris (false percs) naturally host in Ritteri and Carpet anemones. Personally, I've also seen them in E. quadricolor (bubble tips).

Sometimes and especially tank raised ocellaris, take forever to find the anemone. Sometimes, they never do. I have seen tank raised ocellaris hosting in leathers, zoos, and xenia. They dont have to have an anemone. My true perc took 3 weeks of me shoving the anemone in his face to host. My maroon took less than 5 seconds (no joke) to find his anemone.

If it is an LTA, they will usually stay wherever you put them provided it is enough light and glow which i'd say you've got both. Check on its foot when you can see it and let me know.

Thank you Jenny :)
ya i have read that too, but when i read it, it was to late hehe :p .
one of my clowns (wild) is hosting my xenas and mushrooms since they are together and the other one (tank raised) is not hosting anything yet.
i will check on the foot as soon as the lights come on :)
I am pretty sure it is just responding to the change in water flow. It is looking for its happy spot now. Give it a few days and see if it doesn't come back out a nd stay put. You might of stirred up some sediment (detris) in the tank also with the addition of the powerheads and it may be responding to this also. ummmm. Lets just keep an eye on it.
the torch is doing good
i was worried that it wasn't gonna be happy, but it seems like it likes it where it is right now.
how's the leather doing?
Its doing good, I have to get it out from behind the rocks. I thought I had it secure the night I put it in, but I think the urchin bulldozed it. I can seit, just have to get it LOL. Tomorrow is chore day on the tank.... Lots of misc to do on it. Wanna come help :).
lol !!
i wish i could help you, but i don't feel like swimming hehe :D .
Jenny i just checked the anemone and yeah the foot is on the sand right now.
We don't have to go swimming !!!! Just little water change, filter sock swap, and I want to look in my overflow after reading that other thread... Come on It'll be fun, and I have some good coffee!!!
Yep, that was the plan!!! He'll whine about being too far away i would guess..... Geezzzz.