Anemones: How to get off a rock

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
Seattle, Washington, United States
Hey guys,

Was wondering if there are any tricks to get an anemone to release from a rock. Mine split, and I would like to get one of them out of my tank...

The rock it is on has some corals attached, so would rather not get rid of the rock if there is another option.
Put some smaller rocks around them, and point direct flow toward the nem to get it to move until it attatches to a rock that is easily removed. I've also heard that if you hold the rock upside down out of water with just the tip of the nem in the water it will detatch on it's own most of the time.
If you can get your hand near the nem's foot, gently work the edge of the foot away from the rock, it gets easier as you go. It takes very little force to get it free, just take your time.
You can use your fingernail or the edge of a credit card to get started. If you have decent access or can move the rock to give you access it is not too tough.
Rob, all good advice above except from the guy from Sammamish:razz: The ice cube can be very effective in initially getting under the foot then a water jet or firm but gentle persuasion with a blunt tool or fingers.

Awesome, thanks for the info. I'll try the ice-cube then credit card method and see what I can do. If it doesn't work, I'll smash the rock to pieces :)

Might wait for one more divide. Not sure. Just trying to figure out how to get em out when I need to. 2 is nice because I have a backup incase something happens. They are dangerous buggers though..... gotta be vigilant and protect my sps. I think one of mine is going to split again soon though, at that point one definately needs to go. No room for 3 of them...
What kind of nems are these?

As people have mentioned, just get under tha tfoot and th nem will let loose. I've done this with a RBTA as well as the maxi carpet nems.

Only problem I've ever had is with the carpet nems because they're so darn sticky and zappy too.
RBTA's are the easiest to get to move. Just work at it over a course of a day or two. Who knows you light upset it enough that it will split again.
I used to have to suspend the rock at the top of the tank with a breeder net or something below to catch the anemone when it let go. Or you can pull rock out of water and hold upside down so anemone can feel water below....mine would always just let go to get back into water.....hope that helps.

P.S.....they despise metal so you can harrase the foot a bit with anything metal and it will usually trigger a move or reaction.
Was just playing with my camera. Here is the anemone. It is just opening up now. Its at about half of its fully expanded size

I have used the hanging method with a high rate of success. I believe they think it is Low Tide and are trying to stay in the water :) Sometimes they will just let go of the rock and float around looking for their own space once they have healed after splitting.