Well-known member
While I was there, the owner also "forced" me to borrow a Milwaukee mw600 dissolved oxygen meter.
In main display, DO is showing at 8.3 mg/l.
In sump DO Is showing at 7.9.
In 58 display, DO is showing at 8.1
First, it can not adjust for barometric pressure or seaward salinity. Seawater at 100 % saturation is 6.6 ppm at sea level, that 8.3 ppm is 126 % saturated. 95 % of all reef tanks do not even make 100%, thus are lower than 6.6 ppm.
Mojo, I looked up soda lime.
You have not seen the countless threads on CO2 Scrubbers on fourms. Soda lime is granular Kalk, Ca(OH)2
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 ---> CaCO3 + H2O, Calcite or Aragonite. thefilterguys sells all the stuff needed to make one. There is also the liquid CO2 scubber.
1. Get a container with a screw on tight lid.
2. Drill a hole in the side near the bottom to fit a air-line tube nipple.
3. Drill a hole of the same in the container top lid
4. Fill container 2/3 full with RO/DI water
5. Add powder or granular sodium hydroxide till all dissolves and it reaches saturation.
6. Attach input air-line to bottom-side
7. Attach output air-lien to tip lid outlet.
As air enters the bottom-side the air bubbles up through the NaOH. NaOH + CO2---> NaHCO3 ( baking soda). The CO2 free air enters under the lid which is a 1/3 air-gap. This gets pressurized and the free CO2 air is pumped out through the lid outlet to the skimmer. You need an air-pump for this one.
No matter what has happened or changed in this tank you have a CO2 issue....PERIOD
According Joe,(the owner), 10.0 is ideal= A Knothead.
Even FW at 100 % sat is only 8.3 ppm
Please send Joe here for chem lessons
Lesson # 1
DO in aqueous waters
Why O2 is important in water
Dissolved Oxygen
Oxygen Solubility in Fresh and Sea Water
Oxygen Saturation Calculation Based on Temperature and Elevation
The Need to Breathe, Part 3: Real Tanks and Real Importance by Eric Borneman -
Getting deeper
Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen
How can I predict oxygen solubility in water?
Thermidaire D.O Calculater Oxygen solubility water treatment chemicals
My complex formula
S1= S x P / 29.92 - ( C X F)
S1= Solubility for Corrected Pressure
P= Barometric Pressure (Barometer reading in inches)
S = Solubility of Distilled Water (from table, 8.2@25C & 7.9@28C)
C = Chlorinity Reading of Sample (for us 18-20 ppt Chlorinity, std
seawater is 19=35 ppt Salinity or Chlorinity = Salinity / 1.842). For mS , mS / 2.789 = Chlorinity.
F = Chlorinity Factor, from table (for us it will always be .08)
If your tank is 82 F that will be about 6.4 ppm =100% Saturation
pH showing 7.77
Dkh showing 11.2 (same Salifert kit as above)
Salinity is 1.024
Temp is 90 degrees F in mixing barrel,
pH should be 8.7
While I was there, the owner also "forced" me to borrow a Milwaukee mw600 dissolved oxygen meter.
In main display, DO is showing at 8.3 mg/l.
In sump DO Is showing at 7.9.
In 58 display, DO is showing at 8.1
Mojo, I looked up soda lime.
You have not seen the countless threads on CO2 Scrubbers on fourms. Soda lime is granular Kalk, Ca(OH)2
1. Get a container with a screw on tight lid.
2. Drill a hole in the side near the bottom to fit a air-line tube nipple.
3. Drill a hole of the same in the container top lid
4. Fill container 2/3 full with RO/DI water
5. Add powder or granular sodium hydroxide till all dissolves and it reaches saturation.
6. Attach input air-line to bottom-side
7. Attach output air-lien to tip lid outlet.
As air enters the bottom-side the air bubbles up through the NaOH. NaOH + CO2---> NaHCO3 ( baking soda). The CO2 free air enters under the lid which is a 1/3 air-gap. This gets pressurized and the free CO2 air is pumped out through the lid outlet to the skimmer. You need an air-pump for this one.
No matter what has happened or changed in this tank you have a CO2 issue....PERIOD
According Joe,(the owner), 10.0 is ideal= A Knothead.
Even FW at 100 % sat is only 8.3 ppm
Please send Joe here for chem lessons
Lesson # 1
DO in aqueous waters
Why O2 is important in water
Dissolved Oxygen
Oxygen Solubility in Fresh and Sea Water
Oxygen Saturation Calculation Based on Temperature and Elevation
The Need to Breathe, Part 3: Real Tanks and Real Importance by Eric Borneman -
Getting deeper
Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen
How can I predict oxygen solubility in water?
Thermidaire D.O Calculater Oxygen solubility water treatment chemicals
My complex formula
S1= S x P / 29.92 - ( C X F)
S1= Solubility for Corrected Pressure
P= Barometric Pressure (Barometer reading in inches)
S = Solubility of Distilled Water (from table, 8.2@25C & 7.9@28C)
C = Chlorinity Reading of Sample (for us 18-20 ppt Chlorinity, std
seawater is 19=35 ppt Salinity or Chlorinity = Salinity / 1.842). For mS , mS / 2.789 = Chlorinity.
F = Chlorinity Factor, from table (for us it will always be .08)
If your tank is 82 F that will be about 6.4 ppm =100% Saturation
pH showing 7.77
Dkh showing 11.2 (same Salifert kit as above)
Salinity is 1.024
Temp is 90 degrees F in mixing barrel,
pH should be 8.7