another aiptasia ?

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
this is going to sound funny but, ever sence i started doseing my tank with cal, and my tanks water quality is great, i have an out break of Aiptasia all over the tank, why now after all theses years, nothing new added to the tank, just got the water in good shape....what to do about them....
Start killing...

Just like any other cnidarian in your tank; the better the water quality, the easier to thrive and procreate.
Look into buying some Berghia Nudibranchs, after fighting those damn things for almost a year in my 75g DT just (4) little slugs have cleaned house in about 6 weeks. They can get to all the ones that we can't reach w/ Aiptasia X or Joes Juice or zapping them. It's also fun to watch them eat the Aiptasia down to the last spec then go hunting for another.

Find a natural predator like the Bergia nudis. There is no real cure of manual removal. As long as there is a tiny flesh still around they will be back and with a few of their buddies and then their buddies invite thier buddies and so on and so on. At least this was my experience with them. It seems like the more you kill the more you will see in a couple months. Then the process reverts back to square 1.
Peps are hit and miss and they won't even touch the bigger aptasias. Berghias are guarenteed natural predators.
Sweet yeah i've never really had a problem with them. Just heard it in the air somewhere. On the plus side nudis are sweet lookin also.

I used nudis on my 55g and they took out all of them in a couple weeks. Unfortunetely a year later they are back and my nudis are gone. I did a group buy last year so if anyone is going to do another group by let me know
Single peppermints really won't do much if anything. I've had best success when placing larger groups in the tank. 10 in a 90 gallon wipe out all the aptasia in a week.
Is it me or is it high Phosphates help these little buggers grow like mad? I recently added a phosphate reactor, so I cannot really tell if it is making a difference. Ever since I kept up with my water changes, ridded my infected live rock, scrubbed it down in fresh water, let it sit for a week, rescrubbed it again and then added it back to my tank, not only did it get rid of the Aptasia but also the nuciance algae that killed my prized organ tort. Unfortunately I lost about 15 to 20 pounds of live rock in scrubbing but when I was done, I added the newly scrubbed rock next to some heavily healthy live rock and now it is starting to come back to life. New polyps are growing along with mushrooms on it.

The algae that was growing was like a beard and I couldnt get rid of it no matter how hard I tried so pulling it out and scrubbing was the last resort. It worked and my 2 clowns are happy and so are the crabs. I also reduced the lighting cycle, that not only kept Aptasia down but also beard algae that killed off my sps.
Berghias,Berghias,Berghias........they are great for aptasia. I need some more, anybody want to do a group by like last year??