Another alk/pH question

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Penta- I have 2 nassarius snails that do their job well. I see them maybe every other day so I know they must be moving a bit of stuff. I also have some hermit crabs that like to bury themselves in the sand (ya, i know its not super deep, but the top 1/2" at least from the crabs)

kgross- I do have some crazy corraline growth. I just put in a new t5 and it seemed to take off a bit in the past week. The corals I have do consume as well (mostly the sponge..)

What do you all think woud be a good way to up calcium? If I use the buffer and a calcium supplement, will they interfere with eachother?

The other problem is the phosphate, I dont like chemical sponges, but..without rodi at the moment, maybe its a way to go? Definately dont want the phosphate/calcium messing with eachother during the calcificiation process..
Using the buffer and calcium suppliments are fine, they will not interfere with each other as long as they are dosed seperatly.

Phosphate. I will say use some GFO/GFH granular Ferric oxide/hydroxide, like bellaphose, rowaphose, phosban etc. They all work well, and if used properly will not bother your corals like some of the aluminium based products.

The other thing you can do is a very large fuge with lots of macro algae growth to use up the phosphate.

Phosban is some sweet stuff works great. Alot of your Phosphates are probably coming from tap water if you have a phosphate test go ahead and test your tap water I just about fell over when I saw the readings on mine. I made the mistake of using tap when I first started BIG MISTAKE. It is well worth the investment to get a RO/DI unit if you dont want to do that find a LFS that you can buy water from.
Great posts guys thanks for kinda filling in. Haven't been around much, doing some traveling and leaving again next week for the Black Hills area SD, to kinda rescue an old time buddy stuck in a snow storm in a RV. I have also had multi-Pc issues the last 2 months and now have a new very high tech one :) Been up for 4- days now.