Another frags propagation tank question please critique my plan

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Apr 12, 2005
Another frags propagation tank question please critique my plan
I am planning stages of a propagation setup
All the trays will be on a rack/shelf stacked on top of each other
I setup for gsp, zoos, xenia, and leathers - 2 trays
I setup for sps & lps - 3 trays
Each pan will be 12” x 48” x 8” or 10”-do you think 8” is deep enough
They will drain into different sumps sps,lps in one / shrooms & leathers into another
2 – 3 “of sand below the egg crate
For water movement in the sps, lps. MJ 1200 2 opposite corners
Lighting witch one?
What K bulbs for the best growth
48" 260W (2x130W) Dual Strip Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture
48" 130W Uni Strip Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture
Icecap over driving n/o bulbs
Icecap with vho bulbs
Icecap with t-5 & reflectors

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just a thought on corals, i've heard leathers especially don't mix well with sps cause they release quite a bit of toxins
as for kelvin, i don't think there's an ideal growth level, people like to use 14k or 10k though i think, i haven't ever seen studies on which one works better, probably cause there are too many other variables, as for which type of lighting (vho, pc or t-5) i can't help too much
you going to carbon inbetween the sumps?, cause chemicals will just travel through the water, though having them in seperate sumps should probably help a lot
The two sumps will not be connected together
So no chemical warfare going on
Lighting is my biggest concern
I am not to sure what to get, I would hope the CF would be enough
The light would only have to go through 6” to 8” of water
But I want some feed back before I spend the $
"They will drain into different sumps " no problems there

I think the icecap vho is usually used for/with actinic which will help color wise not neccarily for growth though. Now being so shallow it would probably color up very well I would get others opinions about growth that being an issue. I would not reccomend p.c.'s I think there not intence enoughp for most sps but would work for some softies then again leathers like lite and if your even thinking about inverts (not mentioned I know) then again vho only I think T5's in my experience flake out (the bulbs don't last not hardy--- in my experience!) and the many reflectors can cost some I know no reflectors perfect I think youd be happier with vho's one per.
Pictures please later when it's full and lit ! :)
you could go with pc's but i have noticed that most people get slower growth and can't keep higher light corals and such under them, investing in vho or t-5 or even metal halide will increase growth rates, i noticed a lot of fish stores use vho on their side tanks
I would also be concerned being that shallow that the heat would build up especially with acrylic (it holds heat longer) and the sand bed would also hold the heat in. Just something to consider :)
(sorry I have to confess your icon funny but ...eeeek)
Eeeeek LOL
The roll siblings take on
My oldest child laid back roll with the flow
Youngest is a rebel, always questioning why, how come, that not fair, jokester
Middle child is my son, I feel his pain surrounded, LOL
Perticularly when used with a shallow water application, T5's would produce the most light per watt of any setup. They would also be the least heat per amount of light. The light distribution would me much better than MH, and bulb replacement cost is very cheap.

The trick with T5's is all in the reflector. Poor reflector shape, poor output. If you dont want to spend the money for properly shaped reflectors (the material itself is one of those +-5% things that barely matters), you would be better off useing VHO bulbs.
i'm curious where do you get your bulbs (t-5 or vho) vho seem to be quite a bit, i've only seen them at at least $20 a piece 4ft bulbs anyways, but i don't look very hard either for either type