another lighting question

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Jun 2, 2006
Spokane Valley
hi all i'm new to the hobbie and the forum.. i have a 50 gall tank that i want to add some corrals to i am currently looking at 48" Power Compact setups. i was wondering if it was better to get one that has 4 of the shorter bulbs or the 2 long bulbs. also how much watage do i need.

Thanks for the help in advance

can you be a little more specific about the short and long bulbs??? Wattage all depends on what you plan to keep in the tank.....If it were me setting up a 50g reef I would want at Least 200+ watts to keep...
I agree. At least 200 watts of PC, but it all depends on what you intend on keeping in your tank. As for long or short bulbs, I think it all boils down to what you can fit inside your canopy (assuming you are using a retrofit).
pm'd you :)
Do you want any corals that you know of by name as a must have or even the different categories softies/LPS/SPS ?
The right light for the right corals :)
Welcome carl8232 and jign4bass to Reef Frontiers!!!
sorry about not giving enough info. like i said i'm kind of new to this whole thing. right now what i'm looking at is a 48" 260 WATT JEBO ODYSSEA AQUARIUM POWER COMPACT LIGHT. this light uses two 130 watt 4' bulbs. the other one i'm looking at the Coralife version but it has 4 65 watt bulbs. as far as what type of coral i want to keep i'm not sure. probibly soffties and maybe some anemones . if i where to get one of these two setup what types of corals would your recomend that i stick to?

Thanks again for the help.

I currently have a similar setup with PC's (working on a MH hood), you will be limited to softies and I would be very careful with anemone's they usually like more light (at least the ones I had didn't do so well). My thought would be to find a good book that will give you lighting needs of different corals you think you might want and see what would fit.

Welcome Carl8232.
Go see Kevin at Aquatic Dreams if you havent already.
Pick his brain and drool on his tanks.
Just dont drool in them. :lol:
He will set you in the right direction.
Plus he's out in the valley by you.
You can get his address in the sponser forum on here plus a link to his web site.

Maui :D
Maui i have talked to kevin some already just thought it would be a good idea to get some other oppinions.. thanks for the suggestion. i'll have to go talk to him alittle more tomorrow.
Right-on!! Yeah, hopefully we'll get this disturbance moving into the Gulf of Mexico to kick us a much-needed groundswell this week. It has been like a lake man. REEF ON!!
Hello, this is a great place to read up on reef keeping. I have been running a JBJ 24gal. for 8mths now and have modified the filter system to make it a surface type. Wow, it is doing very good, no losses, mucho growth with almost all critters, especially sun polyps and alvepora (daisy coral?). So far I am very happy with my downsized reef.
Looking for a suggestion on lighting, Do I go from the standard hood and lighting for the 24 gal. JBJ an open top with a 96 watt CF Corallife setup?? i run the tank with no skimmer, have very fine filter media instead, and I watch my PH...Nitrates...levels of all kinds carefully.
Thanks for any helpful advise!!

Iowa's Reefer! :)
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

I'm curious to why you want to change the lighting if everything is doing well? It might help in determining your lighting needs.