Another skimmer in the works

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The Lone Reefer
Jun 30, 2003
Bellingham, Wa
Darrell and I are currently working on a HSA downdraft skimmer. A few bugs are left to iron out, but we're getting close to finishing it. Limited size can throw you a lot of curves.

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That looks pretty kewl. We will wait anxiously for you to finish it and show er off.

On a side note, is that black thing there a circle cutting device? I almost ordered a circle cutting plate for my router tonight, but decided that I could make one for free.
Yes that's a router upside down with a circle cutting jig. The bits get dull pretty quick. The downdraft skimmer in my sump was built about 9 years ago and is still doing well. This skimmer belongs to Darrell when finished. I'll try to get some better pictures then.


PS: Anybody got a MAG 7 they want to part with?
Ok Next question, what kind of bit do you use. I picked up a bosch spiral upcut bit today, and I tell you what it cuts thru 1/2" acrylic like its made from butter. I made a little plate for the bottom of my router kinda like the Jasper circle cutter. It works like a champ.
We're using a regular old woodworking 1/8" bit. I'll have to give the spiral bit a try. After a point the wood bits seem to just melt their way through the acrylic, not like butter.

I just picked up one of those bits. Is yours a 1/4"? I found the circle cutter on clearance about three years ago and hadn't used it yet. I haven't seen a Jasper circle cutter before. My holes sizes are limited to 2 1/2" and up.
Nice job on your skimmer BTW. Where did you come up with o-rings? My next project will require them.

Hey Jon, Yes I have the 1/4" version. It is working good. Do a search on google for Jasper 200 and it should pull up a lot of links to the plate I am talking about. It was made for cutting holes in speaker boxes.

As far as the O-ring goes, I bought it at McClendons, they have it on spools, and you just cut it to lenght and glue it in to your groove at the point where it meets. I am sure this wouldnt be a great idea for a pressure application external to the sump, but for a in sump skimmer it works fine. Also I know that large O-rings are available, but couldn't really tell you where to get them.
boy Jon that looks alot smaller in the photo than when we were working on it anyways i think we failed to tell the forum that this was a Beckett down draft model type of skimmer im very exited to get this baby skimming , ill post pics of this skimmer while it is is skimmeing so you all can see it working total cost of this is under 125.00 no to bad
Darrell is a good source for them, but sells in packs of 25 usually. Buna-N is a good choice of rubber for them.

OK gang this is the break down of the skimmer,

Beckett nozzle 15 dollars on ebay that's including shipping
pre cut acrylic for sump this was pre cut 15 dollars
used pump from PSAS member 25 bucks
Jon had all the tube extra from his other DIY projects but if i had to buy it it probably worth 12 dollars a foot and we use 1 foot of 6" 2 foot of 3" and about 1/2 foot of 5 "so about 40 buck that's just a guess
Miss. bolt, bulk head, plumbing about 20 dollars
DID i miss anything Jon??
if you had to buy this retail i think it would be well over 300.00+ and work just the same and another benefit is that i was really limited on space only had 6 1/2 x 14" foot print to work with

Have you skimmer gurus ever concidered using a eductor instead of a beckett??? We made a coouple of skimmers for the Mott aquarium using them and the results were pretty outstanding.

I had thought about them, but having never seen one in use, wasn't sure if it was good to start experimenting. My hard drive took a dive and I only had info from Pre-Feb. I was looking at Mazzai ?sp and they had different mix ratios and sizes. If I rebuild for myself I would consider it. I don't recall the cost? Any recommendations?