Anthias Borbonius experiences

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2008
Long Island NY
I went against golden rule number one and got a fish I no little about except general care of the family. I went to a lfs and there were two Odontanthias borbonius. Looking like they never even came from the deep and smimming around as if they were damsels. I asked one of the workers to feed them and they ate everything offered, flake, mysis, and even krill and small silversides with no hesitation. The price was right and I got one of them. The one I got has longer finnage at the end of his dorsal, whereas the other didn't have this finnage. Don't know if this is a difference b/w male and female. I couldn't swing the price of getting both! How do you tell the difference? After adding him to the tank the fish has been very shy and hiding amongst the rock work. I fed the tank and it ate right away darting out of hiding to grab some mysis and then quickly returning to his hiding spot. So who has this fish and what info do you have on this fish? How big do they get? Anything would be great as there is nothing on these fish. I will get some pics up tomorrow as long as he shows his face. This fish did nothing for me on websites I've seen them on, but in person this fish is absolutely amazing!!!! Thanks, Tim
Aloha Tim......anthias will require a lot of feeding for it to stay fat and healthy....once or twice a day feeding is not sufficient....make sure you feed this fish atleast three to four times a me on this....even if you see it will start to thin keep up the feeding...what a cool fish!!!
Thanks Les for the info. I believe in feeding fish very heavily. I feed my tanks all day long. Maybe 15-20 times. I think this is the biggest problem with most fishkeepers is that underfeed their fish. Unfotunately my feeding schedule requires me to do frequent water changes, but it's well worth it. The fish has found a cave and only comes out to feed, hopefully he'll slowly grow a pair and come out more and more. I lowred the lighting on this tank to more blue and have begun to lower the temperature to eventually land around 76f. Let me know about the crosshatch Les. They would be a great fit with the Borbonius. Deep cool water. The smaller the better with the triggers Les. Thanks Tim
It will take some time for him to get used to his new home, and his new owner. Keep traffic to a minimum when you can, feed often like you do and give a variety of foods. Most anthias will stay in hiding the first few days unless theres food and start to venture out more and become accustomed to your face. You usually keep 1 for every 55G singly, and 75G if you plan on getting a female or two later. Remember to feed this guy enriched foods as a large part of its diet.

FishBase's Article
The fish has acclimated great and has become quite bold while feeding. He even has began to defend his cave, which is a great sign. Here's some pics. Tough to get good ones. Regards, Tim


Awesome! Glad to hear things are going well. Too bad ya can't get the other one...
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As most anthias are schooling fish I have been told that for the most par they are solitary. Even if they are a schooling fish my wallet has taken a big enough hit with one. Well worth it though. He's the one of the smallest in this tank and he holds his own amongst some pretty tough fish. Love this Guy! A couple of new pics. Regards, Tim

