Anthony - your thoughts on Purple Up?

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Mar 6, 2007
Hi Anthony. Can you tell me your opinion on the product "Purple Up". I'm not so much interested in it as a coralline algae supplement as a supplement for calc , mag and iodine.

What are your thoughts on this product?

Thanks so much!
I'm not Anthony, havent seen him around for awhile. From a reef chemistry point of view it not a product that I would recommend. I would suggest just dosing what is needed with a good two part or a diy two part.

I have an order for Two Part Solution on the way as we speak. I'm looking forward to trying it out.
I agree. However, this is going to become much more challenging very quickly. Once the old DOWflake is gone, it's gone. Read this thread....

What I wonder is if that also includes the food grade stuff? I would also question where the big names get their ca chloride to make the premade stuff. Is it just going to have the same issues?
I guess we can start stocking up now.:) Whats the shelf life of sealed ca chloride?

Yes Don it is the food grade also. It is all there on that link Curt gave. I talked to Julian the other day on the phone and he has changed his two-part from DOW to Tetra / my warning to him 2 months ago. He use to add Bromide.

Whats the shelf life of sealed ca chloride?

Should be good for years as long as it get no moisture.


OK for some but not for others, it is a iffy product. It is not that the product is bad or goes bad it is your tank playing games with it. Dissolution of Aragonite and it has 10 micron grains aragonite in it, plus CaCl2. It is dependant mainly on 6 variables.

1. pH

2. Alk

3. Ca++ and Mg++ to a minor degree.

4 Temp.

5. Grain Sizes

6. Grain Texture.

For example these are some ruff calculations by Randy of the dissolution of aragonite. Obviously others could be calculated out but you get the picture.

pH = 7.7...........................pH = 8.2
Calcium = 410 ppm.............Calcium = 340 ppm
Alkalinity = 2.5 meq/L..........Alkalinity = 1.0 meq/L

So, someone dumps in some Purple-Up and the 10 micro grains do not go into solution @ pH 8.1, Alk 2.3, Ca++ 405. They just sit on the bottom, then one day these parameter change to fit the above table example and POOF the Alk and Ca ++ is through roof. It has happen many times already.
I very much appreciate your input at large and especially over here, my friend. Sorry to have been away from the boards so long!