any have....

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Sep 5, 2006
Does any one on this website use coast to coast overflows? I purchased a 90 gal with a coast to coast overflow on it. Last couple weeks have been working on getting it up and running. I have 2-1" bulk heads to drain down into the sump. Now here is the dilemma. It makes a horrible slurpping sound! Really really loud and annoying and did I say loud? I have talked with the store who sold me this and we figured out how to fix the problem except for the fact that my overflow isnt deep enough to do that "mod" if thats what you call it. It is only about 3 inches deep on the back of the tank. So does anyone have any advice on how to get rid of the slurpping?

Thanks for any help
Is it deep enough to configure a short durso stand pipe in it, or is that the "mod" that your are talking about? You also might be able to put some filter media in to muffle some of the noise. Otherwise learn to love the soothing sound of cascading water.
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I have one built inside a glass tank the drain is a drilled hole thru the glass wich is covered by the coast to coast overflow.

Now on the back outside of the tank where it comes out I have a large "T" going sideways on the top it goes above the water level with a cap which I put a 1/8"hole in inside the tank inside the coast to coast I have a 90º pvc tube very close to the bottom of the collection point in the center for the coast to coast where the water rolls down from all across to a small section in the middle about 6 inches deeper and where the water goes out thru the 90º tube then out the bulkhead then out the sideways "T" and down to the sump.

This is in a standard sized 180 AGA running a dolphin at approximately 1700 gph (assuming 300 Gallons of head lost to 3 1/2' of height)

Hope this helps :)

P.S. it is not perfect but quiet enoughp for me !!!

Defenitely not loud slurping !!!!
its not the cascading water sound that is the issue lol I could deal with that think of someone slurping there coke thru a straw and gettin to last bit and just slurps air and liquid its more like that lol. yeah the mod think is the durso stand pipe. I forgot then name so I said mod lol. Unforunately it is not deep enough to make one of those. So I was all excited for the tank now not so much.

The tank is an IAP and I am assuming that it was one of the first one's built because now all the coast to coast are 4-6 inches deep is what I was told.

I will have to check out those websites. If anyone has anything else to add or anything more input on what was already said please feel free thanks to the advice so far.
I am assuming you can't put the 90 degree elbow? What about taking a hacksaw and cutting a normal elbow shorter to get clearance?
Here are the pictures. And you are correct I can not get the 90 elbow in there. I have since shut it off due to being really annoying lol.

Top view

Side view

As you can see I have barely any room in there to make anything work lol.
Ill bet you can make custom 90 degree elbow with some creative pvc ing. I would buy some pvc caps and drill a little tiny hole on the top and a big hole on the side and put them on your down flows and see if that helps first. If that doesnt work you may have to modify your coast to coast to give you enough room to put elbows in.
Is it a acrylic external coast to coast??

I have an external coast to coast and I am currently using two really short dursos that I made by cutting fittings works ok...but it could be quieter..........ironically I was just talking about this "herbie silent" mod about an hour ago with someone and this weekend I am going to try it. It sounds like a good plan.

Basically how it works is only one bulkhead is really being used and the standpipe for it is completely submerged......a gate valve on the drain pipe under the tank to regulate the drain flow so the water level is always above the standpipe..........the second bulkhead has a pipe going above the water level and only used as back up in case the other gets clogged.

Ill post back my results
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Yes it is an acrylic coast to coast. As you prob saw in the pictures not much room for me to work with. Is your tank that same. size of coast to coasts?
Mine is about the same size from what i can tell from your pic...Its deep enough to get a short durso in there.......but again, it could be quieter

It appears as though if it works for me it will work for you. My tank is fully loaded and up against a tile wall........Im going ot have to remove the sump and get to it from underneath........

If you look at the second pic and ignore all the plumbing besides what is coming out of the bottom of the overflow box........It currently merges into one going to split that so each drain line is seperate.......and only one being used as I described above


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yeh I have 2 lines going down also that are seperate I havent tried closing one off yet. Maybe I will give it a shot and see what happens.
What are the size of the drains? one inch or ? And how fast is your return pump in gallons per hour?
The returns are 1 inch. I believe my return pump is rated at 1270GPh

Its a pan world 100PX-X I was thinking of putting another 1 inch bulk head in or do you guys think that would be too much drain? Or would I get the same sound?
drill a hole

Drill a hole into the middle of the intake screen,and slide a airline tube down it ito the drain pipe untill the sound disapears
just put a sponge on to of the hole and see if thats stops the noise
other then that it might have something to do with the size of the drains diameter i cant rember how to correct the problem weather its bigger or smalled pipe maybe sum one eles will know best of luck