any success with this fish?????????????

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Hold up wait a minute time out! No its not the money thats a $6.99 fish that is no money to me.But we sale those to render help for those who need them its a hit or not depends on the fish.I can say when i buy new stock and put them in my holding tanks hey the cleaner wasse is a great help for my stock they clean the fish fast without chem's in the tanks.

$6.99 x 50 fish = ???:p I understand what you are saying and coming from man...I just know how some LFS's go that's why I said some and not all.:) My buddy who owns the LFS here would lose the sale than to sell certain fish to certain people. He tells them point blank "Nope!" and I have witnessed it before. Sometimes you just have to go with an alternative when the odds are against you IMO as there are tons of options out there.

In any event, I'm not saying I'm right in my thinking. Just my personal opinion. I just find it kinda hard to see someone say they are on their 5th or 6th cleaner wrasse and still attempting to try and keep them when the longest they've had any was 3 weeks. At what point do you throw in the towel or the LFS when they see something like this occuring?? It would be great for a person to be able to keep them, but how many fish will have to die until you figure out what to feed it knowing that each individual fish is different? Just like tangs...Some yellow tangs will eat nori non-stop while other yellow tangs may not even look at it. Just my 2 cents.:)
What if $7 or $20, a fish is still a fish, life from the ocean or even tank raised. Still one needs to respect the life of a cheap costing fish to a rather expensive species. And as far as chem go, you do just as better in a reef tank with a cleaner shrimp, the end results would be no different. There be tangs and fish which are far more in cost of money like a tang for $1500 in which I will get one, but at a much later date once my reef tanks begin stocking to allow the tank too age well.

krish75, no matter what ones opinion is, we all believe that our thoughts on the subject to be true too our word for other wise, we wouldn't say it, and still just the same, I see people going to their lfs like one person I seen who has I think it is a 200 gal tank and that he keeps nothing but large angelfishes and this is at my lfs for the thing is, they cannot stop one from buying something even if they wanted too which is a shame really. For like this guy with the 200 gal angelfish tank, what be the limit too his success? He be very limited, only he doesn't think so for he told me that he never had any problems.

I wonder how many angelfishes he bought for replacements? For the ones that died on him :(

Like myself, I would never house a large angelfish in a small tank as a 200, and specially he housing a number of them>
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oldmanofthesea you are way off

A rare fish is well worth 10 dime a dozen fish. In captivity or not.

Listen to the argument you are trying to make. I guess you never feed your fish food made from fish, Is that not the same thing? Is it okay to feed an eel or a lionfish thousands of silversides over its lifespan? After all silversides are a fish and according to you all fish are equal.

And if you were going to buy a $1,500 fish that was certainly going to die unless you purchased a cleaner wrasse to help it but you refused to buy the cleaner wrasse I would say you need to become a vegan and have no pets.

Heck I have 3 dogs and 2 cats that eat cow, chicken, lamb, fish, and who knows what else.

Is a 2,000lb cow's life worth less then a 5lb stray cat I found on the street?

Come on man
real cleaner wreasse and false cleaner wreasse(blenny)

:) i found out cleaner wrease (real) and cleaner wreasse look alike false (actually is blenny fish) they both lokk alike but they do different job,,
real cleaner wreasse pick the parasite from the fish and eating red bug
cleaner wreasse look alike (blenny)eat the tissure from the fish specilly from the gill until the fish die,,so servival rate is low from false cleanner wreasse,,,
i have real 1st.cleaner in my tank for 4 years and 2nd one for 7months they both still alive,,,they did the great job eating parasite and eating red bug,,i feed them mysis and f1-f2

so becarefull just buy the real one
the real wreasse got small upper and the lower lips square
the false wrease got the top lip over the bottom lip just like shark
they both got the blue stripe on the side of they body,,i will try to get the pics of two diferrent wrease.
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Just a thought...The fact that the LFS carries them and you keep purchasing them, will only cause them to keep them in stock. In most cases, they don't care if the fish dies in your care. All they care about is making that extra buck by selling it to you. I think if a person feels a particular fish should be left on a reef due to their survival rate in captivity being low, then they should not purchase them from the LFS anymore which will in turn force the LFS to resort to not stocking them anymore seeing no-one will buy them. Just my 2 cents...:)

if i dont buy the fish someone will.... its a busy store. i got the wrasse's for 10 bucks each...
VHO Guy, are you in any relations to the cable guy? LOL I think your missing my point, for im in no way am arguing any issue other then that its a sin that either sea life is killed uselessly. For it is one thing to feed ourselves seafood's as well as cow or whatever, but it is a waste that when someone goes out to just shoot the deer just for the hell of it.

As for price with the difference in fish species is no differently other then the species itself and yet still its a life that we shouldn't waste away just because due too the fact it was a poor dumb fish which were caught. I eat out of the sea as well as of the land, I guess you understand it that I eat either fish or cow and chicken and what not. But it is a waste of the food in which either sea or land animal is here for mans survival, that is if you are eat meat or seafood's. That is the true reality in life and my only discuss is too the waste of so many fish dying just so someone can have a colorful fish in their tanks.

Yes, I lost few fish thru all my years in the hobby and I never do the very same thing if and when I decide to try that fish again, I look for what I might do different and something's I will leave be for as im wrong of the differences between the cleaner wrasse or shrimps, without them in the oceans, sea life would die out for like with eels, they get service from either of those as sharks from mostly only the wrasse cleaner.

I feed my eels fish from the fresh seafood market, also when my reef tanks ever do get started, I will feed chop seafood's there as well for in the two reef tanks will both house a pair of dwarf morays. I guess from asking that, that you totally misunderstood me of what it was I was trying to say?

So there is no difference of a fish that's cost $5 or $5,000 other then they are different only in species wise. I love a well cook seafood dinner from time to time and I some favorite places I go for that. So I eat as well steaks and chicken, etc.

I only wish that the numbers of fish brought into the hobby was under controlled by some committee by my country's Government and that cyanide and dynamite trappings were ruled illegal.

This if you can understand is only my voice of opinion on the matter and nothing more. :rolleyes:
if i dont buy the fish someone will.... its a busy store. i got the wrasse's for 10 bucks each...

Cool man...Maybe I'm missing something here, but I rest my case. Price and availability is not the issue, but I guess you are going to do what you see fit so good luck with it:cool:
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Cool man...Maybe I'm missing something here, but I rest my case. Price and availability is not the issue, but I guess you are going to do what you see fit so good luck with it:cool:

Ur not getting the point.....

long island has ALOT of reefkeeper so the fish store will sell out of those wrasse weather i buy it or not...

the next guy in line will buy it thats all I'm sayin....
Ur not getting the point.....

long island has ALOT of reefkeeper so the fish store will sell out of those wrasse weather i buy it or not...

the next guy in line will buy it thats all I'm sayin....

I understand what you are saying fully, but I think you are missing the point. You are buying a fish you don't know how to keep....You've been through 5 or 6 already and still don't know what to do to keep them alive thus the reason for the thread. Who cares if the next person in line will buy it if you don't...Does that make it alright for you to keep buying them and killing them? The fact that they only cost you only $10 doesn't make it alright either. I would leave the fish in the store for someone who knows how to keep them alive or has the available food supply in their tank to feed them so they could thrive, than to take them home for 3 weeks at your best, and have them die. That's my point...Not trying to be rude or argue here. I just think buying a fish because someone else will buy it if you don't anyways, (just to have it die) is no reason to buy a fish. Not sure if you understand where I'm coming from with it all, but I wish you the best with your decision:)
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the fish store will sell out of those wrasse weather i buy it or not...

the next guy in line will buy it thats all I'm sayin....

That is exactly correct, there always someone who will buy the fish, any fish. You not buy it, the next person will :D
For arguments sake, I say we get the thread back on track as the back and forth on what is right or wrong is not getting anyone anywhere. The question was asked....

anyone no the secret to keeping them?????????

So if anyone has any info on how to successfully care for a cleaner wrasse, maybe they can post it here, but as it stands (going back on the thread) not much feedback at all yet other than they don't last very long in aquariums:)
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I managed for the longest I think was about 20-24 months or so and it eat foods when feeding time, but in any long goal, we will find it that many will loose this fish in rather a short time frame after buying it that most loose the wrasse inside of less then three weeks. As when people use to ask me in eel questions, I tell them that in no long term will a cleaner wrasse survive for long, for as well, in a home aquarium if any of you do keep your same species, one not need to concern themselves of the need for a cleaner for we not get all the problems which are out in the wild. The other big thing is maintaining a QT, this to me is a absolute must for by placing your new arrives straight into our main tanks is placing at risk our fish we had prior to that point of time. No one I think can guarantee anyone that just because one did managed to keep this fish for an extreme time period, that no matter what one could say, it wouldn't to my beliefs give the next person that same results. Of course, this is a matter in my own opinion.

There happens to be many factors in this, in why I say that. For not any two of use have the same tank, as well we most certainly do our maintenance of our tanks somewhat differ from one another and we all not have the exact water quality which in my mind is very important.

Like if your a person who's nitrates appear and vanishes and then some ammonia levels, this of course will be a problem for any long term keeping of a cleaner wrasse. Now im speaking more from my pass years then anything, for like in my beginning years, I too had difficulties in keeping a cleaner wrasse for even a week and this was back in the early 50`s.

But long term for many with this fish will be hard to say, I think for first you need the best in water quality. Then it needs to be the only cleaner for by having three cleaner wrasses in your tank, they will starve in time, for having one is an extremely good eater that will accept most foods.

Also it was to my understanding that there is no differences other then species wise of the wrasse and cleaner shrimp, or is it to your understandings VHO Guy? I`m just asking to better what I know if that is the case :cool:

As well, it is the LUCK OF THE DRAW for most>
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There happens to be many factors in this, in why I say that. For not any two of use have the same tank, as well we most certainly do our maintenance of our tanks somewhat differ from one another and we all not have the exact water quality which in my mind is very important.

I agree...You have to go with what works best for you. Trial and error to an extent I suppose:)
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Okay let me break this down for everyone


No parasite kills its host (except in epic proportions over a long duration of time)
I mean if ick was so bad and so deadly we would have no fish on the sea. Has any of the divers here ever seen a fish with ick in the wild. I think not.

Has anyone seen a tank full of fish with only 1 showing signs of ick?
Has anyone ever seen fish at their LFS contained in a large centralized system yet still some show ick and some do not.

So if you are looking for a Cleaner there are many cleaner fish options that I have already posted.

And again oldmanofthesea for you to say that a rare expensive fish capable of living 10+ years is not worth the life of a very very common fish that has a much shorter lifespan is totally illogical.

Not only that, a fish that is captive bred is a farm animal no different then anything at the supermarket. So you can no way compare a captive bred farm animal to a rare wild caught animal.
Amen VHO Guy :)

As even if not often or so, I too had some fish get ick and not lost it due to doing something to wrong for like the very last fish that I did get in as a new arrival, did get ick. It was a QT (Queen Trigger) and I never seen a fish recover as fast as this one. This was about 10 years ago, that at the end of the first week in the QT, it developed ich. I done two types of treatment, even so I not had too do the second treatment.

That in treated the QT with cooper and before that same very night, it was totally cleared of ich. I still gone through the whole quarantine bit and more for when I do quarantine any fish, it remains in the QT for as long as eight weeks, and if that fish develops ick, it stays there much longer to whatever time period be needed. But after the copper treatment of the QT, I treated it with formal in two treatment stages a week apart of each treatment.

Gosh> I not remember how often I seen through the years that a tank full of fish and only one had ick>
The same to your second question, yes on that in the lfs new fish arrivals that some had ick and some not>

And again oldmanofthesea for you to say that a rare expensive fish capable of living 10+ years is not worth the life of a very very common fish that has a much shorter lifespan is totally illogical.

OK, now I know what your beef was more about, LOL I have too say no less, that would depend on the hobbyist to what they would like to have for yes, I know of some folks with a $5,000 fish, which is surely something I wouldn't go for myself. I not mind spending on something I want most, but I also need to limit myself to what I want to put at risk. For I not would wish that something very wrong happen and find myself being wipe out from it. Even thought that I never (Knock on wood) had a tank crash on me in all my time in the hobby. Was I only lucky at it? I have to think so in my beginning years for back then, I was only able to most learn from my own mistakes.
We had no books or Internet like today, also back then the hobby was still rather young here in the states for it was going strong over seas in Germany and so before the 50`s.

The same thing with I had in mind for a pair of (Holacanthus clarionesis) clarion angelfish and they would run me $5,000 for a pair. I'm no longer sure as yet if I would, I need to wait and see for there be much happening inside my family and later something is too happen and I not know how it will go at first when it do.

Farm? I guess you mean farm raised? There be fish the lfs sells are farm raised or tank raised for even clams are being farm raised. Only thing I not touch farm raised is when at my local fresh fish market. As yes, cannot make any comparisons for ones livestock what if farm raised or wild caught. Very good points made ;)
As a side note on economics, every fish sold lowers the supply and thus increases the demand. If you buy one fish, it increases the demand and market of that specie by one fish. When we buy items that should be left in the reef, we create that market and no amount of justification and explanation changes this application of supply and demand. Yes eventually someone might come along and buy it before it dies, but the store will not have a good market for that specie and will bring in something that sells better. Not so many Moorish idols, fussy anemones, and flower pot corals being taken out of the reefs these days as there were 10-20 years ago.

The consumer can create changes in any market by raising or lowering demand effecting supply and more important re-supply or the lack thereof.
Hey Doc, been busy with family and trying to not be such a horses a$$ all the time. The former is easy, the latter takes a lot of work. :) Tank is doing pretty well, a little bit (not much) of browning from a week of VHO only. Sold off a bunch of my softys to give the sps more room. Fish doing great, most corals thriving. How have things been with you?