anyone dose pure oxygen into tank?

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2007
was wondering if anyone has dosed pure oxygen to help for low ph in their tank. like dosing c02 for your calcium reactor but dosing it into a ozone generator or skimmer.
O2 and CO2 are not in a push/pull relationship in their impacts on pH. If you want to raise your pH, your best option is to more effectively drive off and/or remove your CO2 in some manner. Limewater helps.
i run a calcium reactor and a kalk reactor. the output of the kalk reactor attached to my dosing top off reads a 10ph. my calcium reactor runs off a 7ph effluent. i have a fan connected sitting on a windowsill pumping outside air into my sump. my ph is a constant 7.8. thinking it was nitrates that pulls the ph down installed a denitrator built out of a phosban reactor. my tank and the denitrator effluent reads 0 nitrates. i do have enclosed canopy but i have fans that blow over the water. i also have a fan in the canopy that output to a dryer hose that goes to a window.
i was thinking that pure oxygen connected to say my ozone reactor can maybe bump my ph to at least 8.0.
could it be the bryopsis bringing down the ph?
Do you realize that the denitrifier will drive down your PH even easier than your carx?

Sounds like you're doing a lot right. Constant 7.8? It doesn't have any fluctuation at all?

Saturated limewater should have a pH of ~12.5. You have some potential to bring up your pH in the tank if you can determine why it's not mixing to full strength. I think ~2 teaspoons/gallon will be right around saturation. Having extra in your container is fine.

Wow Donw - I didn't know a denitrator was that powerful. Can you point me to anything to help me learn more about the impacts of denitrators on pH?
Wow Donw - I didn't know a denitrator was that powerful. Can you point me to anything to help me learn more about the impacts of denitrators on pH?

They get low enough to dissolve carx media at a pretty good rate especially it you run them propery at an orp of -200. Sort of a double edge sword but they do work real well. Mine runs at about 6.5ph at 1 drip per second.

thanks for helping me out guys. its a constant 7.8 ph doesnt budge even when i put supplements to raise the ph. as for the kalk reactor i'll try to put some more in...never would of thought to test the denitrator of the ph. that is probably the factor of all my problems. whats the best way to get the ph back up exiting the denitrator don?