Anyone have any pipe or bar clamps we can borrow?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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We are starting to put together the new stand for the 180 but we really need some clamps for holding it together while glue dries and such. I just thought I would check here to see if anyone has any to borrow before I just go buy new ones. Someone south of Seattle would be best.
If you want to swing by my shop in lakewood there are two pipe clamps and a bunch on spring clamps rolling around in the back of the shop truck. You can have them.


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Great. We can come out this afternoon. We are also the ones looking for that info you had up on the original RF stand about making store bought plywood square and building a cutting jig for the skill saw.
Thank you Don, Dave, Marty & Mike. Another example of the friendly helpful people here on RF. I'm picking up the two from Don and Dave is coming over tomorrow to help put it all together... Whew!!! I know I can do this but... you ever get that feeling as you stand there and stare at everything for too long that something is going to go wrong if you touch anything??? Been there for the last few weeks. It will be nice to heave someone help me over that hump. Build thread and pics coming soon.
Dont overlook ratchet straps, I used them for a long time before I got 98" K body clamps. Also harbor freight is a good source for cheap bar clamps, they are fine for as often as your going to use them.

HEY ERIC, about time you got this show on the road. You know I'm here for you, way up in Everett but here for ya. I need to make a donation run down to Habitat in the next few days so could stop by to give you a hand or at least let you know what your doing wrong just after you do it :nono: JK

So the race is on now to see which system is up & running first ! Since my stand is already done I need to tile the room and you need to re-build the stand to go on your newly installed floor. I could use your help in installing the slider door as this needs to be done before I can tile.

Cheers, Todd
Well it's all put together thanks to Dave and his willingness to dive right in. Thanks a million Dave. There is now an official 180 tank stand in the garage. :D Next comes some sanding and finish work and of course I need to start the build thread with pics.
HEY ERIC, about time you got this show on the road. You know I'm here for you, way up in Everett but here for ya. I need to make a donation run down to Habitat in the next few days so could stop by to give you a hand or at least let you know what your doing wrong just after you do it :nono: JK

So the race is on now to see which system is up & running first ! Since my stand is already done I need to tile the room and you need to re-build the stand to go on your newly installed floor. I could use your help in installing the slider door as this needs to be done before I can tile.

Cheers, Todd

Ready... set... go :director:

So what you are saying is if I don't come up right away and help you set your door I'm gonna win the race??? :first:

You are always welcome to stop by and see how things are going in the south end of the world.
Sooo... since the door thing kinda puts me at a disadvantage I insist that you use Gavin as your little helper and give him real tools to help you with :boink::boink::boink: :peace: This should even things out a bit... oh have Becca video it for all to see :popcorn:

Cheers, Todd