anyone have sch 40 1 inch threaded threaded bulkhead

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Mr. Reckless
Apr 3, 2009
Just curious if anyone has one laying around. I can get them off ebay but they are 10 bucks plus another 10 for shipping (Ridiculous). All the local stores only have threaded slip. Needed to be sch 40 as the holes are already drilled. I know we have classified but this is such a small part that I didn't bother....hopefully you nice mods will let it fly.
When we were looking for them a couple of weeks ago smoknreefr said he had some. Maybe PM him. He didn;t have the slip/thread ones we were looking for though. He did say he had thread/thread. None of the local hardware stores have any of them. Aquarium Paradise and Indoor Reef both have them in stock (at least they did when I called). We ended up ordering online and waiting a few days. Sending you a PM.