Anyone hip to this

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Yea, thats the pump that Ice cap is involved with. Alot of people are eagerly awaiting this product. Should be out of beta and on the market soon.
Thye have a thread already on the forum taking pre-orders. Sounds like everyone is siked about getting one...
yeah....just wondering what they will cost. Seeing how just to hold a spot is $50, I think the final price will be floating around the ozone somewhere:eek: :eek: :eek:
can you aim it? It doesn't look like it has any directional adjustments..
I couldn't find any real good specs. on the page I was on.
Someone will definitely pay it--this is reefkeeping we're talking about--the epitome of wanton spending! $1000 lighting systems and more--if someone is going to pay it...we-er, someone will!

Perhaps me me in particular because I'm known for my frugal spending and DIY conponents but I'd love to have one.:p
Oh I agree, it will be payed without a doubt... :) I'm just saying , that even though I've spent a hefty sum on this hobby myself, I think that is pretty pricey for a powerhead