anyone looking to sell a protein skimmer

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2007
poulsbo wa
looking for a protein skimmer that can work for my bio-cube29. any old thing might work so if you have one lying around let me know.
thank you
no not really you can see the bio-cube online it is an all in one tank that is the problen with finding a protien skimmer
I could show you how to jerry rig up a water bottle into a airstone driven skimmer but honestly with that size tank, you might be better off just doing weekly water changes.
I got a Fission nano skimmer i think it is built for the aqua pod, i bought it because i thought it might fit in my Nano cube but it dosent , i had to drill some holes in my nano cubes hood and i added a standard 10 gallon tank beside my nano cube with a pump and siphon tube setup ,, that way i was able to put the nano skimmer in the 10 gallon tank ,, but now i got rid of most that setup and went to a biger tank , but i still got this Fission nano skimmer , I think it kinda sucks you have to clean it almost every day or it will overflow or stop making bubbles or the suction cups that are soposed to hold it in place let it sink to the bottom of the tank , it is for tanks upto 30 gallons it says ,, anyways maby we can do some trading i bought the thing for $40.00 , but it isent worth that much , it does work but like i say you have to check it almost every day :)