Apex unit

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Go to the webpage.
Configureation pull down menu, select outlet setup
Select the pull down menu next to 'Outlet'

The last 8 are the outlets. Of the first 8, I never use the Variable Speed ones, I do have the sound alarms and email alarms setup.

Anyway, the last 8 will control the outlets. Select the very last outlet (this would be Outlet #8)

In the 'Control Type' pull down, select 'Advanced'

A window where you can paste in code will appear. That is where I program my outlets. You can use the premade settings from the 'Control Type' pull down to get started if you want. Such as, select 'light' instead of 'advanced'. It will give you some boxes to fill in and write the code for you. Then, if you switch to advanced you can see the code it made for you. Once they are mostly set up, I find it easier to just leave all the outlets on 'advanced' and use code. If you type in bad code, it will give you a debug error so you can fix it.

Make sense?
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That manual cant be correct, its to easy to ready :D haha Thank you very much for that!!!
You could do something like this (haven't tested, but no script errors)

Fallback ON
set ON

You could also do

Fallback ON
if Temp < 85 then ON

Which would have it on unless your tank got really hot.
Fallback ON - Means if there was a power failure or for what ever reason the powerbar can't talk to the main module default to on.
Set ON - Means set the current state of the outlet to ON.

As JrGilles says this should leave the outlet on all the time. Another option is under status just set Manual On rather than Auto.
Thanks everyone! I have it up and running, with the exception of the CA reactor, need to re wash the media again, turned it on and within 10mins it clouded my whole aquarium.
This may be a simple fix, but how do you get two different PH probes to display 2 different Ph values? or is this even possible? I would like one in my sump and one in my Ca Reactor
You can mess with the display options, not sure if it is on the actual unit or web page.

I will check it out when I get home. I have one pH probe in my sump and one in the CaRx. Remember it being very easy to set up.
Maybe on the unit go to the setup or wherever you calibrate the pH probes, and make sure the second probe is turned on. I think the first probe is called ph1 and the second ph2 or something like that.

Anyway, don't remember it being at all complicated. If you don't figure it out post again and I will figure it out after work