API AlgeaFix

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Fish Tank Freak
Sep 28, 2006
Since setting up my new tank I've been dealing with more algea than I ever have as long as I've been reefkeeping. I have five or six patches of HA and two or three spots of bryopsis that are now gone thanks to some tech-M.
This morning in an attempt to ID my HA I stumbled across a 71 page thread on the "way too big forum" that has a lot of positive resultsposted about the reef safe use of this product.

I understand that the algea's grow from excess DOC's and phosphates and I know how to remedy these issues.

I want to know if anyone here has tried this as a way to get uncontrollable amounts of algea under control followed up with better tank husbandry to keep it from coming back.

I had great success with Algaefix, Its been over a year ago and still no more hair algae. I tried large water changes pulling it and new lights, less feeding and anything else I read on hair algae removal and it just grew back thicker than before. It took about 6 weeks and it was gone, I still have most of the bottle left and have not had to use it any more. As a note the freshwater and saltwater algaefix are the same. I know some will say better husbandry will take care of the prolbem, but when you get tired of pulling your hair Algae out and are ready to boil your rock, I say give it a try. Its cheap and did not harm any thing in my tank , well it did do in the hair algae and my chaeto in my sump looked pretty sick.
Thanks for the replies. If all else fails I may try it. My Koi pond in the front yard is already growing algea so I could surely use some in there anyways.
I trying to remember and will check tonight when I get home. But if remember right it works better with your mag levels up.
A lot of pepole have lost some if not all of there algae in there sump while others had no lost. Mine looked real bad so I got rid of it and got some more
And this doesn't hurt symbiotic algae in anemonies and coral?

Not that I saw, all my corals were fine. I went back and checked my notes and I didn't have much luck with algaefix but it all changed when I rasied my mag level to 1500+.
Not that I saw, all my corals were fine. I went back and checked my notes and I didn't have much luck with algaefix but it all changed when I rasied my mag level to 1500+.
Almost sounds like for you then it was almost a Tech-M +1 treatment.

I did my first dose today. I am trying to actually bring down my mag levels after treating with the tech-M so I did a 10G WC on an 80G system. After the treatment. I like to change all my levels slowly, Even tech-M. Now I'll slowly add the AlgeaFix and see how it goes. From what I gathered from browsing the 71 pages of responses, it takes about a month to start seeing results.
I saw results sooner like after my my second water change. When you do your water changes vacuum the hair algae you will start to see more of it come off the rocks with each water change. I felt that it was the high mag and algaefix is that did in my chaeto, if you were to save some in qt, you would be sure to have some when you were finished with the algaefix. post a pic of your hair algae now so you can compare in a couple weeks, its hard to see the results when you are watching your tank every day, good luck.
Pics is a good idea...

Day 1; No ill effects, corals, clam, fish and inverts all appear to be fine.