~~Aprlil 19th, Bob Moore "Pay it forward" Frag Swap~~

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I also want to thank every single person that made this possible Paul has an outstanding setup and was a fantastic host. Thanks to everyone who attended this was well worth the drive to meet so many great people.
Bah.... I was there for the free food and margarita :D Nice spread by the way

Thank you Paul for opening up your house to us reef geeks, you have an awesome setup. Thanks to everyone else who contributed and helped made this a fun event.

D. (AKA the Maxi mod guy according to Ed)
You are the Maxi-Mod guy according to everyone but yourself! :lol: Thanks for driving Dahn.

Nice meeting and I really enjoyed the reef supernova...what a mass of humanity. :eek: That really was a pay-it-forward event.
Man-O-Man what a good time. Special thanks to Paul and his wife for letting us have such a great and memorable time at there place.
Also to all that attended, thanks for making this such a wonderful event.
Great company,wonderful food and good to see everyone talking and just having fun.
Thank you PSAS board members.
Not to knock any other event but this by far was one I hope Bob was looking down on.
It was nice to get to meet some more people in the hobby. (Haven't gotten the pleasure to meet most of you.) That Margarita machine should be at all future PSAS events. :)
Thank you everyone for coming out and making this event so much fun! I believe there was around 50-60 people and everyone went home with a couple frags.

A special thank you to Paul for letting the Reef community invade his home, as well as Eric for providing the endless Margaritas and pinacoladas!!!
I cant say much more than has aready been said, except to give a personal thanks to Paul and his wife.

There just never seems to be enough time to visit everyone. Especially when there are near sixty people. What a turn out!
Yes, thank-you Paul for letting us tick-off the entire neighborhood by taking up every available parking space in a two block radius. I lost count of the number of people driving by with mouths open and a stupefied look upon their faces.

I even overheard some of the spouses who were tolerant of their significant other’s peculiarities stating that they were glad that they were able to come. Of course, I’m sure the availability of certain beverages was not overlooked either.

Thank-you to everyone who shared their most precious Caulerpa with me, as I now have a healthy start-up culture in the refugium!
I'm sure Bob Moore would have given "two thumbs up" for last nights event! I want to thank Paul and Mavis for hosting the party last night!:D Had a wonderful time. Thank you Michael, Tracy, Ed, Randy, Duane for helping make this a great event as well! This reminds me of the meetings we used to have! I hope that we can keep this tradition going strong. Nice to see new and familiar faces there last night.

Paul's story, a few threads before this one, was very touching! But I also have a story as well! Hope you all take time to read below.

My first meeting was about 7 years ago in Issaquah. I had just started in the hobby about 3 month prior and was at the Blue Sierra store when someone asked me "Are you going to the meeting tonight?" I said, what meeting. He explained about the club and what the club had to offer. I said, sounds great, I will be there. So of course, I showed up, walked up the staircase and knocked on the door. The door opened, and there was the most incredible cubed tank I had ever seen! I blasted past the people in the room. I could not take my eyes off the tank! Then someone said to me, have you checked out the tanks in the other room? I said no, almost tripping over my own feet hurried down the hall into another room to see 3 more smaller growout tanks! Man, I was in heaven!! I remember the feeling that I got that night, and how much more my eyes were opened to this incredible hobby!

So I waited in line to talk to the host. I remember asking him a million questions that night about his corals! I also remember purchasing corals from him as well. I also remember asking him "You mean, you will sell me that peice at half the cost than the store!! Are you sure, I said. Absolutely, he stated. If you want more than one peice I will bundle it together for you for even a better deal. That feeling of getting something from someone you just met was the coolest thing that I had experience since I began the hobby. Especially saving money which at that time, was very helpfull.

That Host I'm talking about is now one of my best friends in life. I feel very lucky and honered to have met my best friend Paul Hamby "Fragman" that night. My life would not be the same without you bud! We have had allot of great times you and me! We are truly blessed!! Again, thank you Paul and Mavis! You both are my family! Love you guys!!

Bob Moore was the person I met at Blue Sierra that day that had explained about the club. Strange how things work out! Thank you Bob! I appreciate you, the memory of kindness you bestowed upon me every time I came over! You always hooked me up with great corals, and that was always helpfull. Thank you for taking the time to tell me about the meeting that first night 7 years ago. You truly Paid it forward for me, as it has created so much more than just fish tanks, and corals! Great people, new friends, and finding one of my now best friends! Thank you Bob! You are missed, and thought of often!

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that's awesome.

reading stuff like this really makes me feel a little more at ease about possibly dropping in on a meeting (full of strangers)

I just found this site, never heard of you guys before,
I can't wait to meet some of the local reef guys,

I'm new to this, just trying not to kill anymore fish/corals
always open to advice.

I agree it was a great time. Thanks to Paul and his wife for opening up their house to the club.

I had to laugh as I drove by as I was leaving, for the unknowing it must have been baffling to try to figure out why all these people were crowded into a brightly lit, bluish glowing garage:lol:

Thanks to the club and all others who contributed to the raffle, it was wonderful to see a raffle where everyone was a winner, many twice.

Although I never met Bob Moore, he must have been a great guy to inspire such good karma. May the Bob Moore karma live forever!
Welcome Russ...

There are a few of us over here on the Kitsap side as well. Hit us up if you need some help or advice.

Hey Guys, I wish I could have stayed longer to chat and visit - I was sorry I had to go as soon as I did! Thank you so much for the wicked frags - hopefully with a little time, I'll be ready to frag them back to you guys :) I sure hope so!

Great job with set up and execution!
Excellent job for all who invested time into this. Thanks for making events like this possible. It was awesome!

thanks Paul and family for opening your house to us crazy reefers!
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This was my first meeting of this kind and am glad I bumped in to the forum post the day of the meeting. I had a great time and came home with a few frags to reseed my tank after the big move.

Even though we parked on the other side of the block, we knew we were in the right place by the actinic glow on the skyline. We just followed the sidewalk towards the glow and couldn't help but laugh at the sight and the obvious excitement in the air. You could feel it from a distance.

Beautiful tanks and frags. I'm looking forward to learning a bunch from this group.
Well that was a blast last nite. I dont have much of a voice. That was hands down the best meeting I have been to. It make take few days to recover from last nite, but was well worth it. Thank Paul for being a gracious host. It looked like everyone enjoyed themselves.
I survived. Thankfully I had a ride because there is no way I could have driven. It is a HUGE leap for me to be in a crowd like that and not end up in the hospital. I am really proud of my continuing recovery. It will take a day or two to rebound, but I feel if I don't work on this stuff, it won't get better.

On another issue, I still haven't placed a face with "DisturbedReefer". I am a big fan of the reef stuff he does and I am sure he was there, but I have a horrible time keeping track of this stuff.

I am slowly getting people's names and faces put together, and I am glad everyone is tollerant of that. Lots of really nice people at the meeting and I had some good conversations. I really appreciate both Luke and Dan's perspectives on the carbon fiber tank and their input is giving me a lot more info. to complete my research on using it as a tank material.

I really am a bit bummed that most of the PSAS Illuminati did not come out to the meeting at my place. Judging by this event, I think they all would have really enjoyed the food making meeting a lot.

I can't wait for the next meeting. Sooooo....what's up for May?

BTW, I donated one coral but I know someone bought in and fragged large colonies and a big THANK YOU to them for their generosity. :D I know I shelled out a lot of cash for the meeting at my place, but I think that's what it takes to re-vitalize the club. These things go in cycles and when we feel it is getting to a low point, those that have the ability need to step up and make it happen, and that's what we have seen in the last couple of months.

There was a cry for help from past and present BOD members and I think that is slowly being answered. You guys did a great job last night!