Aqua C Remora Skimmer Problem- HELP

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Active member
Feb 19, 2006
Redmond, WA
Hey everybody. I’m having a problem with my Aqua C Remora Pro Protein Skimmer and I’m hoping one of you has had a similar experience or can give me some advice. This is a pretty involved story but I would appreciate anybody’s help. I don’t know what to do.

I bought this skimmer with the mag 3 pump and installed it on my tank 2 months ago, as of the 20th of this month (August). I had a real piece of crap on my tank before and as soon as I installed the Remora I was amazed at how well it was working. Pulling out nice dry dirty bubbles. Over the course of about 1.5 months I started noticing a decline in Skim mate output. I decided to wring out the foam guard on the pump intake and use the little circular brush that comes with it to clean the inside of the spray nozzle (the nozzle that make all the bubbles). This is where my problems started. I put everything back together as it was, and went about the rest of my weekly routine: 10% water change, cleaned glass, added buffer and coral supplements etc…Never had any problems before. Towards the end of my routine I looked at my skimmer and it had filled the collection cup about half way in about 20 minutes. It was running really wet and I adjusted the collection so that it was sitting at it’s highest point. I figured it just needed a little time to readjust and I was really impressed with how well it was producing bubbles… until it wouldn’t stop.

Over the next few days it didn’t get any better. It continued to run really wet (at it’s highest setting). It filled up the collection cup multiple times daily with slightly discolored water. Yesterday, I was busy all day and just allowed the collection cup to overflow back into the tank. This is where the next twist of the story begins.

Since yesterday, when I allowed it to overflow back through the skimmer into the tank the bubbles changed and became really foamy. It looks like I dropped a bar of soap in the tank. The foam is actually spilling off from where the collection cup base meets the skimmer body (if you can visualize that) and tons of bubbles are flowing into my tank. On top of that, the foam is overflowing the collection cup about every half hour.

I’ve tried readjusting the screw that opens up the spray nozzle and that didn’t help. All the inhabitants look fine. At this point the only thing that I can think of is I somehow contaminated my tank with something. I did nothing out of the ordinary and I’m always very careful when I’m working on my tank so I can’t imagine how I would’ve done that. See the pictures below.


My tank parameters are as follow:

Temp: 77 degrees
Nitrate: 20ppm
Calcium: 440
Phosphates: 0
Alkalinity: 2.7
PH: 8.3

I do weekly 10% R/O water changes

55 gallon
3 fish: clown, coral beauty, damsel
Soft corasl, LPS
Shrimp, crabs, snails




Wow! That's cool in a way because people are always complaining that their skimmer won't produce any foam, but not so good if you are dumping into the tank. I had a similar problem at one point with my AquaC EV-120 skimmer in that I would fill up the collection cup as well as a 1/2 gallon gatorade jug over night! :eek: What I had to do to prevent it was drop the water level in the neck of the skimmer by opening the gate valve some and it worked great afterwards. I'm not at all familiar with your skimmer so I'm not positive how you adjust it, but I figured I'd share my experience with mine and see if it helps any. If all else fails, I'd talk to Mark (skimmerwhisperer) and see what he recommends. He's pretty sharp when it comes to skimmers. Best of luck:)
you wanna trade for mine which im always complaining about how sluggish it is????:)
sorry, but i have no answer to your query,if i were to guess, i'd say it had something stuck in the pump before, or, mabye something chemical in the tank??
the strange part is that it sounds like it was working fine before....
skimerwhisperer said:
mabye something chemical in the tank??

That would be my guess....did you do anything different than normal with the water change? add anything different you usually don't....that looks and sounds like a water problem, not a problem with the skimmer....

No water conditioners were added were they? If no, I have had this happen a few times with different skimmers. Totally unexplained. Probably something with the water chemistry in general or algae/coral chemical release. I usually add fresh carbon, make it as hard as possible for the skimmer to collect waste by adjusting foam head or cup height, dump the cup as frequently as possible and it usually tapers off and goes back to normal after a week or so. Just my experience...
i dont have the pro, but the regular remora is the same, yours just has a bigger pump.

what i would do is take it apart ageain, remove it from the system. take it out side hoes it out, (nasty stuff falls out if you hold in upside down.) take the white little screw out, and clean the hole ageain, run water through it make sure you put the screw in far enought so that it doesnt leak (on top under cup to the left) DOUBLE check the pump.

if all that doesnt work, you should email Aqua c, there great guys, they just sent me another screw and rubber band, (no cost) cuase i asked them for the tread and pitch so i could replace the screw with something better (my first white screw got mamed dureing first removeal

2 sugesttions.

take the sponge off,
replace metel screws on mag pump with nilon plastic screws.
barrierreefcf said:
No water conditioners were added were they? If no, I have had this happen a few times with different skimmers. Totally unexplained. Probably something with the water chemistry in general or algae/coral chemical release. I usually add fresh carbon, make it as hard as possible for the skimmer to collect waste by adjusting foam head or cup height, dump the cup as frequently as possible and it usually tapers off and goes back to normal after a week or so. Just my experience...

I didn't add any water conditioner or do anything out of the norm. I think your right; it's just one of those weird things. It looks like it's starting to subside a little bit. I think the initial cleaning of the skimmer’s spray nozzle improved the performance... apparently way too much. Also, I think I had pretty large snail die around the same time. Would a decomposing snail add enough organics into the tank to make the skimmer go crazy?
like a mexican turbo? I dont think a single snail would make your skimmer over fill

Ive set my down to the lowest seting (rubber band all the way up) and it still takes a few hours to fill. (very light water)

but the screw part is the inportent part
it sounds like a water problem. i had something like this when i added a cyno killer to the tank.
You didn't mention it, but I gotta ask, did you by any chance add any Red Slime Remover? That stuff'll FREAK a skimmer out.

My Remora's pulled nice dry thick goo for the first few weeks as well, and then stopped. I put the skimmer on a tank with no skimmer, as a test, and sure enough it started sucking out thick dry stuff again. This led me to believe that the skimmer had just taken al it could out of the tank...

The bubles though, I'm stumped without some chemical change. A massive increase in bubles means the viscosity of your water has incresed. I know some aditives, and Red Slime Remover , do this...

In any case, with all the chemicas I've ever seen do this to a skimmer, the effects woud always wear off after no more than a week or so...


I have had 2 remoras and 2 remora pros. They are great skimmers. There is deffinitly something in the water causing the overflow. My skimmers do this occationally also. I would turn off the skimmer for 24 hours and run carbon like the other person suggested. Adjusting the skimmer screw does nothing to the jet. Its only there to get to the jet to clean it. Also that is a pretty big pump for the regular size remora but should be ok. I use the mag drive pumps on my remora pro skimmers. I also used Viaqua VA306 pump on the remora with great success and its inexpensive at 15 bucks on ebay. Reliable little pump. I still use the same pump as the return on my sump after 2.5 years.
If it doesnt mellow out you may try to just throw on a Maxijet 1200 as this is the stock pump and will work ok also.

Good Luck

maybe theres something better then the 1200 im runing on my remora? what do you guys say about that
You didn't mention it, but I gotta ask, did you by any chance add any Red Slime Remover? That stuff'll FREAK a skimmer out.

No Red Slime Remover. However, I agree that it has something to do with the water I'm using. Every now and then for no reason it'll flip out and start pulling really wet bubbles. Not nearly as bad as the orginally mentioned event but something that will require some investigation.
Yes I have had 3 AquaC Remora skimmers and now have 2 AquaC Remora Pro skimmers. If you do upgrade the maxijet on the standard remora to the bigger pump keep in mind that the Viaqua pump VA306 takes up about twice the space as a Maxijet 1200. I am in no way saying this is the best pump to use...but I am saying it worked awesome for me on the standard remoras and seems to be very reliable pump. I have bought 3 of them. 2 for my skimmers and 1 to use for a return from my sump. For 15-19 bucks its a great deal compared to 50-60 for a magdrive.....dont you think?

right on dude, my remora is about 7 6 mouths old, it still pulling stuff one every day or so, i mean not

black super thick goo like in the beging, but i have it set pritty hight and i get nice dark liquid,

but if i put a better pump all that means is it can skimm more per hour?

va306 whats that
Alpental, aside from the things you've listed, did you by chance use any underwater epoxy putty to mount a coral or attach rocks? The putty will also make a skimmer go crazy. Do you use filter socks? If so, did you change out for a new one when you did the water change?
no, nothing like that, my skimmers not the one going crazy the other guys is, my skimmers kickin azz. but i wanted to know if i could have put another power head on it, witch the dude answered for me. thank you

no socks, no putty, no epoxy