Aquarium silicone for serious construction

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Jan 13, 2008
Hello,greetings from Hellas!
My English are bad but i want to ask you if you know any good special aquarium silicone for serious construction

what tecnhical aspects i must look?
Shore-A hardness (3 s)
100% Modulus
Tensile strength
Elongation at break
i'm looking for the biggest tensile strength
and the biggest adhension but what else?

in my previous tanks i was using zwaluw den braven
recently i was looking Perennator AQ 201 Aquarium-Silikon(i think dow corning)
but i don't know its actually tensile strength

i was also looking this silicon
Tensile Strength,kg/cm2(lb/in2) 28 (400)
Elongation, % 450
Hardness, ShoreA 30
Tear Strength,kg/cm (lb/in) 8 (45)
Shear Strength, kg/cm2(lb/in2) 14 (200)
Peel Strength, kg/cm (lb/in) 7 (40)

general electric scs1200
momentive rtv108

there are so many brands but i want a special one!!!

could you please help me choice the best aquarium silicone for heavy constructions like big rimmles tanks

thank you in advance
and sincerely sorry for my bad English

Best Regards,
most ppl use that black stuff, comes out of a caulk gun.
I use E6000 from micheals fabrics...
Welcome to Reef Frontiers. I hope you can get the info you need here.
Sounds like you are planning a large tank build.
We would love for you to post your progress on the build here.
I haven't built a large tank but when I redid the seams on my 180 I used Momentive RTV108. I got a couple of bad tubes that wouldn't cure properly and had to strip it all back out but once I had good tubes the stuff worked nicely and looks very good. I can't recommend the others that you mention because I've never used them and I don't know enough about the specifications to evaluate them.

What size project are you planning?

Another thought that comes to mind is to contact the manufacturer, describe your project, and ask them whether they would consider their product suitable for the task. Never hurts to ask.
Check with Bill (billwann). He has a thread here (20,000 gal tank) and they used some black silicone to seal it all up. Probably the one to ask. Here's the link. :)

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E6000 is toxic to reef creatures, just wanted to let you know. I know many have used it, but I had a long conversation with them on the subject. Jason
hmmm even if it cures 24hrs? I mean i can see how its toxic but if it cures and is more solid, than the toxins wouldnt be released. I used it on my last sump for prob about a year with no ill effects that i could see or think of.

I think it would take prob 10+yrs for e6000 to break down into ur tank from SW. Im gonna use gorillia glue on my next sump!
hmmm even if it cures 24hrs? I mean i can see how its toxic but if it cures and is more solid, than the toxins wouldnt be released. I used it on my last sump for prob about a year with no ill effects that i could see or think of.

I think it would take prob 10+yrs for e6000 to break down into ur tank from SW. Im gonna use gorillia glue on my next sump!

Many,many solid materials release toxins into water, and even into the air.